Sep 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.

Course Descriptions

  • ECE 3210 - Signals and Systems

    Credits: (4)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    Topics related to the analysis of linear time invariant continuous and discrete systems and signal transformations, convolution, frequency spectra, Laplace transforms, Z transforms, and fast Fourier transforms. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the computer simulation, analysis, and numerical modeling of signals and systems. Prerequisite: ECE 2260  and MATH 2250  or MATH 2270  and MATH 2280 .


  • ECE 3310 - Electromagnetics I

    Credits: (4)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    An introduction to electrostatics, magnetostatics and Maxwell’s equations with specific applications to wave propagation and transmission line theory. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, and analysis of RF radar subsystems. Prerequisite: MATH 2210 , PHYS 2220 , and ECE 2260 .


  • ECE 3510 - Power Systems

    Credits: (4)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    A study of AC and DC power systems and machines, including single and 3-phase power, power factor and correction, transformers, synchronous and induction machines, DC motors, power transmission lines, and analysis of power flow and faults. Lecture and Lab combination. Prerequisite: ECE 2260 .
  • ECE 3610 - Digital Systems

    Credits: (4)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    Introduction to microprocessor architecture, arithmetic logic units, memory systems, input/output interfaces, peripheral devices, and communication. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the programming and operation of microprocessor circuits. Prerequisite: ECE 2700  and CS 2250  or CS 1410 .


  • ECE 3710 - Embedded Systems

    Credits: (4)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Design and implementation of a microcontroller or microprocessor embedded system including assembly language programming, interfacing to peripherals, interrupt handling and debugging techniques. Lecture and Lab. Laboratory exercises build toward a final embedded systems project. Prerequisite: ECE 2700 , and CS 2250  or CS 1410 .


  • ECE 3890 - Internship

    Credits: (1)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]
    Summer [Full Sem]

    This is a core course that is required for the BS Engineering degree. ECE 3890 can be taken a maximum of three times for a total of three credits, but only one credit counts toward the major. The student will need department approval before being allowed to register. Prerequisite: Permission from the department.


  • ECE 4010 - Senior Project I

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Students will be required to complete a 200-hour engineering project in a team environment. Project management and problem solving techniques will be emphasized. Topics to include goal setting, developing milestone charts, writing contracts, conducting research, project design and construction, testing and analysis, project documentation, and design review presentations. Prerequisite: Permission from the department.


  • ECE 4020 - Senior Project II

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]
    Fall [Full Sem]

    A continuation of Senior Project I. Students will be required to complete a significant engineering project in a team environment. Project management and problem solving techniques will be emphasized. Topics to include goal setting, developing milestone charts, writing contracts, conducting research, project design and construction, testing and analysis, project documentation, and design review presentations. Prerequisite: ECE 4010 .


  • ECE 4100 - Control Systems

    Credits: (4)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    Topics related to control theory, analysis, and testing of systems in the time domain, frequency domain and state space. Lecture and lab combination. Prerequisite: ECE 3110  and ECE 3210 .

  • ECE 5110 - Digital VLSI Design

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    Introduction to Digital VLSI design.  Includes the development of standard cell library of common CMOS circuits.  Use of hardware description language and CAD tools for the design and simulation of custom large-scale digital systems.  Students will understand the impacts and tradeoffs from speed, power consumption, and thermal properties of large-scale custom ICs. Prerequisite: ECE 3610 .
  • ECE 5120 - Advanced VLSI Design

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Design of stable asynchronous VLSI systems.  Course includes design, modeling, synthesis, optimization, and verifcation of asynchronous circuits and large-scale systems.  Students will develop custom asynchronous libraries and utilize them for system design utilizing CAD programs. Prerequisite: ECE 5110 .
  • ECE 5130 - Advanced Semiconductor Devices

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Introduction to advanced semiconductor physics and devices.  Topics include carrier transport theory, energy band diagrams, PN junctions, metal-semiconductor junctions, BJTs and MOSFETs.  Study of current semiconductor process technologies and discussion of off-roadmap technologies. Prerequisite: PHYS 2220  and ECE 3110 .
  • ECE 5210 - Digital Signal Processing

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Theory, application, and implementation of digital signal processing (DSP) concepts, from the design and implementation perspective. Topics include: Fast Fourier transforms, adaptive filters, state-space algorithms, random signals, and spectral estimation. Prerequisite: ECE 3210 .


  • ECE 5220 - Image Processing

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Advanced image processing theory and methods. Topics include digital image formation, transformation, filtering, enhancements, segmentation and morphological processing.  Lectures, computer assignments and project (including term paper). Prerequisite: ECE 3210 .
  • ECE 5310 - Electromagnetics II

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    A study of intermediate electromagnetic issues common to circuits, systems, and communication networks. Prerequisite: ECE 3310 .
  • ECE 5410 - Communication Circuits and Systems

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    A study of communication circuits, modulation and decoding theory, spectrum usage, networks, and protocols. Prerequisite: ECE 3210  and MATH 3410 .


  • ECE 5420 - Digital Communication

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    This course provides an in-depth coverage of the theory, analysis, and design of digital communications systems with an emphasis on advanced topics related to wired, wireless data communication and the physical networking layer.  Topics include QPSK, QAM, PAM, CSMA/CD, SONET, ADSL, and/or MACAW.  Spread spectrum concepts such as FHSS, DSSS, OFDM, MIMO and/or cooperative communication techniques may be included.  Students will develop Matlab based models to emulate the concepts.  The course will include group projects as well as individual assignments.  The course would be beneficial particularly to students who are interested in doing work/research in fields related to communications, networks, and signal processing.
  • ECE 5510 - Advanced Power Systems

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course will explore advanced power systems concepts. Prerequisite: ECE 3510 .
  • ECE 5620 - Digital System Testing

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Fundamentals of testing digital circuits and memory devices, including fault modeling, test pattern generation, and test coverage. Introduction to design for test and built-in self-test. Laboratory activities include performing bench and automated testing of digital and memory chips, and generating test patterns for fault detection. Prerequisite: ECE 3610 - Digital Systems (4)  
  • ECE 5710 - Real-Time Embedded Systems

    Credits: (4)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    An advanced course on real-time embedded system design.  Topics include task concurrency, scheduling paradigms, synchronization, resource access control, and inter-process communication. Lecture and Lab combination. Prerequisite: ECE 3710 .
  • ECE 5800 - Individual Studies

    Credits: (1-4)
    The students will receive credit for approved studies in the Electrical & Computer Engineering programs. A maximum of four credits can count as an elective course in the Electrical & Computer Engineering programs.


  • ECE 5900 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-4)
    A one-time special study course designed to introduce a new relevant topic that is not covered in the Electrical & Computer Engineering programs. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities support the selected course topic. A maximum of four credits can be counted for the Electrical & Computer Engineering programs.
  • ECE 6010 - Design Project

    Credits: (2-6)
    Students are required to complete a substantial engineering design project.  Students must demonstrate proficiency in research, design, analysis, project planning, implementation, testing, presentation and documentation.  Students receive T (temporary) grades until their final design review, after which these grades are changed retroactively.  Students must be enrolled in ECE 6010 at the time of their final design review.  This course may be repeated. Prerequisite: Permission from the department.
  • ECE 6020 - Thesis

    Credits: (2-6)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Students are required to perform original research that results in a thesis under the direction of a faculty advisor.  Students receive T (temporary) grades until their thesis defense, after which these grades are changed retroactively.  Students must be enrolled in ECE 6020 at the time of their thesis defense.  This course may be taken 3 times and up to 9 credits. Prerequisite: Permission from the department.
  • ECE 6110 - Digital VLSI Design

    Credits: (3)
    Introduction to Digital VLSI design.  Includes the development of standard cell library of common CMOS circuits.  Use of hardware description language and CAD tools for the design and simulation of custom large-scale digital systems.  Students will understand the impacts and tradeoffs from speed, power consumption, and thermal properties of large-scale custom ICs. Prerequisite: ECE 3610 .
  • ECE 6120 - Advanced VLSI Design

    Credits: (3)
    Design of stable asynchronous VLSI systems.  Course includes design, modeling, synthesis, optimization, and verifcation of asynchronous circuits and large-scale systems.  Students will develop custom asynchronous libraries and utilize them for system design utilizing CAD programs. Prerequisite: ECE 3610 .
  • ECE 6130 - Advanced Semiconductor Devices

    Credits: (3)
    Introduction to advanced semiconductor physics and devices.  Topics include carrier transport theory, energy band diagrams, PN junctions, metal-semiconductor junctions, BJTs and MOSFETs.  Study of current semiconductor process technologies and discussion of off-roadmap technologies. Prerequisite: PHYS 2220  and ECE 3110 .
  • ECE 6210 - Digital Signal Processing

    Credits: (3)
    Theory, application, and implementation of digital signal processing (DSP) concepts, from the design and implementation perspective.  Topics include: Fast Fourier transforms, adaptive filters, state-space algorithms, random signals, and spectral estimation. Prerequisite: ECE 3210 .
  • ECE 6220 - Image Processing

    Credits: (3)
    Advanced image processing theory and methods. Topics include digital image formation, transformation, filtering, enhancements, segmentation and morphological processing.  Lectures, computer assignments and project (including term paper). Prerequisite: ECE 3210 .
  • ECE 6310 - Electromagnetics II

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    A study of intermediate electromagnetic issues common to circuits, systems, and communication networks. Prerequisite: ECE 3310 .
  • ECE 6410 - Communication Circuits and Systems

    Credits: (3)
    A study of communication circuits, modulation and decoding theory, spectrum usage, networks, and protocols. Prerequisite: ECE 3210  and MATH 3410 .
  • ECE 6420 - Digital Communication

    Credits: (3)
    This course provides an in-depth coverage of the theory, analysis, and design of digital communications systems with an emphasis on advanced topics related to wired, wireless data communication and the physical networking layer.  Topics include QPSK, QAM, PAM, CSMA/CD, SONET, ADSL, and/or MACAW.  Spread spectrum concepts such as FHSS, DSSS, OFDM, MIMO and/or cooperative communication techniques may be included.  Students will develop Matlab based models to emulate the concepts.  The course will include group projects as well as individual assignments.  The course would be beneficial particularly to students who are interested in doing work/research in fields related to communications, networks, and signal processing. Prerequisite: ECE 3210  and MATH 3410 .
  • ECE 6620 - Digital System Testing

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Fundamentals of testing digital circuits and memory devices, including fault modeling, test pattern generation, and test coverage. Introduction to design for test and built-in self-test. Laboratory activities include performing bench and automated testing of digital and memory chips, and generating test patterns for fault detection. Prerequisite: ECE 3610 .
  • ECE 6710 - Real-Time Embedded Systems

    Credits: (4)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    An advanced course on real-time embedded system design.  Topics include task concurrency, scheduling paradigms, synchronization, resource access control, and inter-process communication.  Lecture and Lab combination. Prerequisite: ECE 3710  or CS 3100 .
  • ECE 6900 - Special Topics

    Credits: (1-4)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    A one-time special study course designed to introduce a new relevant topic that is not covered in the Electrical & Computer Engineering programs. Lecture or lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities support the selected course topic. May be repeated 10 times and up to 12 credit hours.
  • ECON 1010 SS - Economics as a Social Science

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]
    Summer [Full Sem]

    An introduction to basic economic institutions and principles of economics for non-business and non-economics majors. The primary objective of the course is to provide a framework of economic approaches useful in the analysis of social problems. Topics include poverty, economic systems, crime, pollution, health, discrimination, unemployment, inflation, and the role of government in the economy.
  • ECON 1100 SS - Environmental Issues and Economic Policy

    Credits: (3)
    An analysis of policies which affect environmental resources. Emphasis on economic analysis of renewable and nonrenewable resources, pollution, and public policy. This course demonstrates economic solutions to environmental problems, and the role economics plays in designing environmental policy.
  • ECON 1740 AI - Economic History of the United States

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    A critical study of the history of the American Economy, significant events, fundamental principles of a market economy, interactions between government and the market economy, and the evolution of fundamental economic institutions.
  • ECON 2010 SS - Principles of Microeconomics

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem, Full Sem Online]
    Spring [Full Sem, Full Sem Online]
    Summer [Full Sem Online]

    The application of economic concepts to the analysis of scarcity of individual, firm, and organizational behavior. Topic coverage includes the theories of how consumers and firms make choices, and how various rules guide their respective decisions. The course also explores the theory of market structures, such as perfect and imperfect competition, as well as monopoly. Prerequisite: MATH 1050  or 1080  or 1210  with a “C” or higher grade.
  • ECON 2020 SS - Principles of Macroeconomics

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]
    Summer [Full Sem]

    Analyzes human behavior and choices as they relate to the entire economy, with specific focus on national income measurement, unemployment, inflation, business cycles, global trade, and economic growth. Implications of different government policies, e.g., changes in taxation, government spending, money supply or interest rates for a stable economy and steady growth are explored. Prerequisite: ECON 2010  and (MATH 1050  or 1080  or 1210  with a “C” or higher grade).
  • ECON 2899 - Economics Foundations and Admission Assessment

    Credits: (0)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem Online]
    Spring [Full Sem Online]
    Summer [Full Sem Online]

    Completion of ECON 2899 is required of all non-business Economics students pursuing any major, minor, emphasis or certificate awarded by the John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics. The course objectives are: 1) assessment of Foundation knowledge, and 2) admittance to the Goddard School. Students should register for this course concurrent with (same semester as) their last required Foundation course (ECON 2010 , ECON 2020  and QUAN 2600 ) or after the required Foundation courses have been completed. Students must have an overall GPA of 2.5 or higher and a Foundation GPA of 2.5 or higher and a minimum grade of “C-” in each of the three Foundation courses. Credit/No credit. Prerequisite/Co-requisite: Pre/ Co-requisite: ECON 2010 , ECON 2020 , QUAN 2600 .
  • ECON 2920 - Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs

    Credits: (1-3)
    Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. May be repeated 5 times with a maximum of 6 credit hours with different topics.
  • ECON 3030 - Managerial Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Not currently being offered

    This course uses the tools of differential calculus and regression theory to analyze the managerial decisions of individual firms. Prerequisite: MATH 1050 , QUAN 2600 , QUAN 3610 .
  • ECON 3090 - History of Economic Thought

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Not currently being offered

    This course covers the major concepts and contributions of the scholars of the past in economic doctrine and interpretations. Prerequisite: ECON 2010 , ECON 2020 .
  • ECON 3110 - International Trade

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    An introduction to the pure theory of trade, international trade agreements and negotiations (e.g., GATT, EU and NAFTA) and the institutions designed to encourage trade. Emphasis on the benefits of free trade as well as the reasons for the existence of trade barriers such as tariffs and quotas. Special topics include trade in agricultural products and international labor migration. Prerequisite: ECON 2010  and ECON 2020 .
  • ECON 3120 - International Finance and Monetary Systems

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Applications of the principle of economics to the international monetary system. Special emphasis on the way in which international monetary institutions can facilitate trade. Macroeconomic models of an open economy are used to examine the effect that international trade and financial ties have on the domestic economy. Special topics include institutions such as the World Bank and the IMF, along with regional monetary unification in Europe. Prerequisite: ECON 2010 , ECON 2020 .
  • ECON 3150 - Business Studies Abroad-International Finance

    Credits: (3)
    This course studies the globalization of financial markets and the environment in which international finance takes place, e.g., the international monetary system. With this background, a global financial strategy design for corporations will be discussed. This course is taught at Fachhochschule Hof, Germany during each fall semester. Students enrolled in this course have to participate in the Study Abroad Program (Contact: Doris Geide-Stevenson, ext. 7634,
  • ECON 3200 - Money and Banking

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course presents a detailed description and economic analysis of the U.S. financial system which includes the banking industry, bond and stock markets, and the Federal Reserve system. This course serves as an extension to the material covered in an introductory macroeconomics course. The enhanced understanding of the workings of the financial system, including the determination of interest rates, will be used to trace out the channels of monetary policy as conducted by the Federal Reserve and the effect of monetary policy on financial markets, such as the stock market. Prerequisite: ECON 2020 .
  • ECON 3400 - Labor Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    The study of labor economics explores choices made by the two sides of the labor market, employers and workers and how these choices interact in determining wage and employment levels. Hence, an important part of the course consists of a detailed analysis of labor demand and supply. This analysis is followed by a discussion of why the labor market often does not clear, i.e., why we observe unemployment. The analysis focuses on special features of the labor market such as minimum wage, labor unions and efficiency wages. Other topics include the effect of education and training on earnings, the optimal incentive structure of an employment contract and determinants of income inequality. Prerequisite: ECON 2010 .
  • ECON 3410 - Women in the World Economy

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Not currently being offered

    Applications of the principles of economics to the analysis of the economic status of women in the U.S. and elsewhere. The focus is on labor markets, income differentials, the tax system and household work. Special consideration is given to women in developing economies. Prerequisite: ECON 2010 .
  • ECON 4010 - Intermediate Microeconomic Theory

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    The application of economic concepts to individual and firm behavior, consumer behavior, demand analysis, economics of the firm, and price theory. Prerequisite: ECON 2010 , ECON 2020  and BSAD 2899  or ECON 2899 .
  • ECON 4020 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    The building of standard models to test theories of long-run economic performance and short-term fluctuations in closed and open economies. Emphasis is placed on how fiscal and monetary policies encourage long-run growth while mitigating the negative effects of short-term fluctuations. Prerequisite: ECON 2010 , ECON 2020 , QUAN 2400 , and BSAD 2899  or ECON 2899 .
  • ECON 4170 - Economic Development

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    The application of economic principles to the challenging problems of third world and developing nations including Africa, Asia, Latin America and the newly independent states of the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Prerequisite: ECON 2010  and ECON 2020 .
  • ECON 4320 - Industrial Organization

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Not currently being offered

    The theory and performance of firms and industries in the context of substantial market power and market regulation. Emphasis on oligopoly, game theory, and theory of markets within the context of global market competition. Prerequisite: QUAN 2400  or ECON 3030 , ECON 2010 .
  • ECON 4520 - Public Finance

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Not currently being offered

    This course covers the aspects of economic policy that arise in the operations of a public budget. Topics addressed include economic theories of bureaucracy, public expenditures, and taxation. Prerequisite: ECON 2010 , ECON 2020 .
  • ECON 4550 - Introduction to Econometrics

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    Advanced Regression Analysis. Topics include ordinary least squares, generalized least squares, nonlinear regression, dummy variables, autocorrelation, heteroskedasticity, and serial correlation. Computers used extensively. Prerequisite: ECON 2010 , ECON 2020 , QUAN 2400 , and QUAN 3610 .
  • ECON 4560 - Mathematical Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Advanced application of mathematical modeling techniques to selected economic issues. Prerequisite: ECON 4010 , ECON 4020 , QUAN 2400 , QUAN 3610 .
  • ECON 4800 - Independent Research

    Credits: (1-3)
    Individual work or work in small groups, by arrangement, in special topics not included in the announced course offerings. Prerequisite: QUAN 3610  and approval of instructor. May be repeated twice with a maximum of 3 credit hours.
  • ECON 4810 - Experimental Courses

    Credits: (1-3)
    Experimental or one-time courses designed to fill a need in the community or investigate interesting and unusual topics. Prerequisite: ECON 2010 , ECON 2020 . May be repeated 5 times with a maximum of 6 credit hours with different topics.
  • ECON 4850 - Economics Study Abroad

    Credits: (1-3)
    This course is designed for students who will study economics at one of the international partner universities of the Goddard School of Business and Economics as part of an extended study abroad visit.  Students will explore the international economic institutions, business culture, and applications of economic theory to countries outside of the US.  Students will study international economics as offered through a partner university (or other university with department chair approval). Prerequisite: ECON 2899  and BSAD 2899 . May be repeated once up to 6 credits.
  • ECON 4860 - Economics Internship

    Credits: (1-3)
    A structured professional-level field experience.  The student will be counseled and supervised as he/she applies and integrates the knowledge and skills obtained through the Business Economics or International Business Economics program courses. Prerequisite: BSAD 2899 ; Senior Standing; Instructor approval.
  • ECON 4920 - Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs

    Credits: (1-3)
    Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. May be repeated 5 times with a maximum of 6 credit hours with different topics.
  • ECON 4970 - Introduction to Research Methods

    Credits: (1)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course prepares students for ECON 4980  Research Methods. Students will study the research process and the scientific method as it applies to economics. Students will have an opportunity to explore various fields and literature in order to design a thesis project for ECON 4980 . Prerequisite: ECON 2899  or BSAD 2899 .
  • ECON 4980 - Research Methods

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    A course designed for senior economics majors which requires the completion of an extensive thesis project. This course will focus on the formulation of hypotheses, review of relevant literature, and either theoretical or empirical analysis. Prerequisite: ECON 4970 , BSAD 2899  or ECON 2899 , QUAN 3610 , ECON 4010  or ECON 4020 .
  • EDUC 1010 - Exploring Teaching

    Credits: (3)
    Students will explore the exciting world of teaching, examine what it means to be a teacher, and participate in field observations. This course is designed to introduce students to personal and professional experiences within the educational community. Prerequisite: This course or an equivalent approved course is a prerequisite to all licensure programs in the Department of Teacher Education.
  • EDUC 2000 - Social Studies Concepts for Elementary Teachers

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    [not currently taught]

    Fundamental concepts from the social sciences commonly found in elementary social studies curriculum.
  • EDUC 2010 - Human Exceptionality

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]
    Summer [2nd Blk]

    This course will introduce students to the characteristics of exceptional children with emphasis on the educational and psychological implications of disabilities to the development of the child.  A minimum grade of C is required in this course. CEL
  • EDUC 2604 - Information Resources in Education

    Credits: (1)
    Intended for students interested in education, this one-credit hour course will assist in developing information literacy and academic research skills, and an understanding of academic integrity issues unique to the field of education. Students will develop skills in identifying, locating, retrieving, documenting, and critically evaluating both electronic and print resources that are appropriate for undergraduate research, with emphasis in education and related disciplines. Cross-Listed with  .
  • EDUC 2890 - Cooperative Work Experience

    Credits: (1-6)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    For students not yet accepted to the Teacher Education Program who meet the minimum cooperative work experience requirements of the department. Provides academic credit for on-the-job experience. Amount of credit will be determined by the department. Fingerprinting/ background check must be completed prior to working in the schools. May be repeated up to 6 credit hours.
  • EDUC 2920 - Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes and Special Programs

    Credits: (1-6)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. May be taken on a Credit/No Credit basis. May be repeated up to 6 credit hours.
  • EDUC 3100 - Instructional Planning & Assessment

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course introduces the basic concepts of lesson and unit design, planning and assessment based on student needs. Prerequisite: Completion of Elementary Education Level 1 courses with a grade of B- or better. This course is part of Elementary Education Level 2 and should be taken with EDUC 3210 , EDUC 3240 , EDUC 4345 , PEP 3620 .
  • EDUC 3110 - Instructional Technology

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course allows students to apply existing technology literacy into educational environments to promote enhanced learning. The curriculum is based on teacher skills required to teach Utah State Educational Technology Standards for students in K-8 settings. The course focuses on providing teacher licensure candidates with basic technology proficiencies for teaching with technology. Prerequisite: Completion of the computer and information literacy requirements.
  • EDUC 3115 - Media Integration in Elementary Education Settings

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course focuses on how to create media to support and apply research-based principles for learning into educational environments.  The course content is based on Utah core curriculum skills for students in the K-8 setting. The course provides students with technology proficiencies for integrating technology into teaching. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.  Verification of technology literacy training (through coursework or job experience) within the past five years.  Completion of the computer and information literacy requirements and completion of Elementary Education Level 2 courses with a grade of B- or better.   This is part of Elementary Education Level 3 and should be taken with EDUC 3280 , EDUC 4210 , EDUC 4300 , EDUC 4320 , and EDUC 4330 .
  • EDUC 3116 - Media Integration in Elementary Education Settings 1

    Credits: (1)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full sem]

    This course is an orientation to using media and technology to support and apply research-based principles for learning in educational environments for traditional, blended, and online instruction. Students will be taught to integrate technology into the curriculum to support meaningful instruction for both teaching and learning. Students will be introduced to cloud computing and taught how to design, administer, and assess digital curriculum. The course content is based on Utah core curriculum skills for students in the K-8 setting. Students will develop an e-portfolio. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.  This is part of Elementary/Early Childhood/Special Education Level 1 and should be taken with EDUC 3120 , EDUC 3140 , EDUC 3205 , and EDUC 3270 .
  • EDUC 3117 - Media Integration in Elementary Education Settings 2

    Credits: (1)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course focuses on integrating media and technology to support and apply research-based principles for learning in educational environments for traditional, blended, and online instruction.  Students will continue to develop their skills and knowledge about how to incorporate technology into the curriculum to support meaningful instruction. A variety of technologies will be utilized for designing digital curriculum and developing 21st century standards. The course content is based on Utah core curriculum skills for students in the K-8 setting. Students continue to create an e-portfolio. Prerequisite: Successful completion (B- or better) of Elementary/Early Childhood Level 1.  This is part of Elementary/Early Childhood Education Level 2 and should be taken with EDUC 3100 , EDUC 3210 , EDUC 3230 , EDUC 3240  and EDUC 4345 .
  • EDUC 3120 - Reading Instruction in the Primary Grades

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course is designed to familiarize the teacher candidate with current knowledge and practices as they relate to teaching literacy (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) in the primary grades (K-2). Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course is part of Elementary Education Level 1 and should be taken with  EDUC 3140 , EDUC 3205 , EDUC 3270 , EDUC 4550 .
  • EDUC 3140 - Educational Psychology, Interpersonal Skills and Classroom Management

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    The focus of this course is the fundamental theories and philosophies, concepts, processes, and applications related to human behavior, teaching and learning, interpersonal relationships, and classroom management. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course is part of Elementary Education Level 1 and should be taken with EDUC 3120 , EDUC 3205 , EDUC 3270 , EDUC 4550 .
  • EDUC 3205 - Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Rationales, concepts, practices provide a scope of understanding and awareness regarding the role of cultural and language pluralism in school and society. Foundations and theories on the role of family and community influence on student values are also explored. Experiences are provided intended to develop basic skills in personal interaction and adaptation to teaching diverse populations. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course is part of Elementary Education Level 1 and should be taken with EDUC 3120 , EDUC 3140 , EDUC 3270 , EDUC 4550 .
  • EDUC 3210 - Elementary Level II Practicum

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    The purpose of this practicum is to provide students with opportunities to design and implement integrated instruction in the elementary grades.  Instruction will focus on integrating the arts, healthy lifestyles, and literacy.  Students are required to spend at least 40 hours in an assigned classroom.  Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.  Completion of Elementary Education Level 1 courses with a grade of B- or better. This course is part of Elementary Education Level 2 and should be taken with EDUC 3100 , EDUC 3240 , EDUC 4345 , PEP 3620 .
  • EDUC 3220 - Foundations of Diversity

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Rationales, concepts, practice provide a scope of understanding and awareness regarding the role of cultural and language pluralism in school and society. Foundations and theories on the role of family and community influence on student values. Experiences intended to develop basic skills in personal interaction and adaptation to teaching diverse populations. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course is part of the professional core courses and should be taken with EDUC 3265 , EDUC 3315 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3910 , and EDUC 3935 .
  • EDUC 3230 - Data Analysis for Elementary Teachers and Math Pedagogy

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course will focus on the study of statistics and probability in the Utah mathematics core (K-8) and appropriate mathematics teaching methods.  Emphasis will also be on the developing an understanding of the Standards of Mathematical Practice.  Teaching mathematics for deep conceptual understanding and connections to other subject areas and real life situations will be addressed.  This course builds upon and will use content learned in MATH 2010 , 2015 , and 2020 . Prerequisite: Successful completion (B- or better) of Elementary/Early Childhood Level 1.  Should be taken with Elementary/Early Childhood Level 2 courses.
  • EDUC 3240 - Reading Instruction in the Intermediate Grades

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course will provide methods, foundations, and assessments for developmental reading in the elementary school, Grades 3-6. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.  Completion of Elementary Education Level 1 courses wil a grade of B- or better.   This course is part of Elementary Education Level 2 and should be taken concurrently with EDUC 3100 , EDUC 3210 , EDUC 4345 , PEP 3620 .
  • EDUC 3265 - The Exceptional Student

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Students will learn about the learning and social characteristics of young people with exceptionalities-that is, disabilities (physical, mental, learning) or giftedness-and about public policy and services available to them.  As future teachers, they will learn about how such individuals are identified and served by the school system, what strategies are effective for instructing them, and roles and responsibilities of school personnel in providing appropriate educational experiences for all students in an inclusive classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course is part of the professional core courses and should be taken with EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3315 , EDUC 3935 , EDUC 3910 .
  • EDUC 3270 - Differentiation and Collaboration for Inclusive Teaching

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA-04) mandates that students with disabilities be educated “to the maximum extent appropriate with children who are not disabled.”  The expectation is that students with disabilities will have access to, and make adequate progress in, the general curriculum.  Therefore, it is essential for general educators and special educators to work collaboratively.  This course is designed to provide preservice teachers with the knowledge and skills of effective inclusive teaching practices. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education and EDUC 2010 . This course is part of Elementary Education Level 1 and should be taken concurrently with EDUC 3120 , EDUC 3140 , EDUC 3205 , EDUC 4550 .
  • EDUC 3280 - Elementary Social Studies Methods

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course focuses on the place of social studies in the elementary school curriculum, the scope and rationale of the social studies curriculum, connections with other subject areas, teaching and assessment strategies, and building classroom community. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.  Completion of Elementary Education Level 2 courses with a grade of B- or better. This course is part of Elementary Education Level 3 and should be taken with EDUC 3115 , EDUC 4210 , EDUC 4300 , EDUC 4320 , EDUC 4330 .
  • EDUC 3315 - Media Integration in the Secondary School Setting

    Credits: (1)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course focuses on how to create media to support and apply research-based principles for learning into the educational environments.  The curriculum is based on Core Curriculum skills for students in grades 9-12.  The course content provides teacher licensure candidates with technology proficiencies for integrating technology into teaching. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.  Verification of technology literacy training (through coursework or job experience) within the past five years.  Completion of the computer and information literacy requirements. This course is part of the professional core courses and should be taken with EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3265 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3910 , EDUC 3935 .
  • EDUC 3370 - Advanced Instructional Technology

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course allows students to apply existing technology literacy into educational environments to promote advanced use of educational technology in learning environments. The curriculum is based on teacher skills required to teach Utah State Educational Technology Standards for students in K-6 settings. The course focuses on providing teacher licensure candidates with advanced technology proficiencies for teaching with technology. Prerequisite: Verification of technology literacy training (through coursework or job experience) within the past five years.  Completion of the computer and information literacy requirements.
  • EDUC 3375 - Foundations of Dual Immersion or Immersion Education

    Credits: (3)
    The course examines the background, underlying theory, and research foundations that support dual language and immersion education practices.  Issues for teachers and administrators will be addressed.  Practices and principles that inform language attentive curriculum will be a focus of the course.
  • EDUC 3390 - Literacy in the Primary Grades

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    Analysis of developmental reading skills with emphasis on readiness for reading, phonic and structural analysis, word recognition, use of the basal reader, and reading for various purposes.
  • EDUC 3430 - Creative Processes in the Elementary School

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]
    Summer [Full Sem]

    This course focuses on the development of attitudes, methods, and skills in creative teaching, including an exploration of using music, art, dance, and drama in the elementary classroom. Graduate students will also explore philosophy, research, and theories that support arts integration, and development of teaching strategies and materials for use in the elementary classroom.
  • EDUC 3545 - Universal Positive Behavior Support Strategies for Teachers

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course is designed to teach teacher candidates validated classroom management strategies and level one behavioral intervention strategies. This course focuses on techniques and methods for preventative classroom student management. The course will assist candidates in writing effective classroom management plans. Candidates will be introduced to the process of Functional Behavior Assessments and Behavior Intervention Plans. Prerequisite: Completion of Education Level 1 courses with a grade of B- or better. Co-Requisite: EDUC 3565 , EDUC 3575 , EDUC 4515 , EDUC 4521 , EDUC 4530 .
  • EDUC 3565 - Elementary English Language Arts: Evaluation, Remediation and Supports

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course is designed to teach teacher candidates validated evaluation and remediation strategies for K-5 students struggling in English Language Arts, focusing on techniques in elementary reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language. Candidates will be introduced to the process of identifying reading and writing difficulties, selecting evidence-based interventions, implementing instruction, and using the data-based instructional decision model to monitor students’ ELA progress and intervention effectiveness. Prerequisite: Completion of Education Level 1 courses with a grade of B- or better. Co-Requisite: This course is part of Special Education Block 2 courses and should be taken with EDUC 3545 , EDUC 3575 , EDUC 4515 , EDUC 4521 , EDUC 4530 .
  • EDUC 3575 - Elementary Mathematics: Evaluation, Remediation and Supports

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course is designed to teach teacher candidates validated evaluation and remediation strategies for K-5 students struggling in mathematics. This course focuses on techniques in elementary mathematics. Candidates will be introduced to the process of identifying math difficulties, selecting evidence based interventions, implementing instruction, and using the data-based instructional decision model to monitor students’ math progress and intervention effectiveness. Prerequisite: Completion of Education Level 1 courses with a grade of B- or better. Co-Requisite: This course is part of Special Education Block 2 courses and should be taken with EDUC 3545 , EDUC 3565 , EDUC 4515 , EDUC 4521 , EDUC 4530 .
  • EDUC 3900 - Preparing, Teaching, and Assessing Instruction

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This integrated course will focus on lesson planning, teaching, and assessment through the application of the Teacher Work Sample (TWS) using lesson plan formats taught in the content areas. A variety of instructional strategies effective for use at the secondary level will be taught and modeled. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course is part of the professional core courses and should be taken with EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3315 , EDUC 3265 , EDUC 3910 , and EDUC 3935 .
  • EDUC 3910 - Secondary Education Practicum

    Credits: (2)
    The purpose of this practicum is to provide students with opportunities to design and implement content-specific instruction at the secondary level.  Students are required to spend at least 40 hours in an assigned classroom. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course is part of the professional core courses and should be taken with EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3265 EDUC 3315 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3935 .
  • EDUC 3935 - Reading and Writing Across the Secondary Curriculum

    Credits: (2)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course will focus on assessment of reading comprehension of students, and decisions teachers make concerning methods, materials and procedures based on those assessments. Teacher candidates will integrate literacy skills (vocabulary, study skills, comprehension development and writing) within their respective content areas and teach sample lessons to secondary students. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education. This course is part of the professional core courses and should be taken with EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3265 EDUC 3315 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3910 .
  • EDUC 4210 - Elementary Level III Practicum

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    The purpose of this practicum is to provide students with opportunities to design and implement integrated instruction in the elementary grades.  Instruction will focus on instruction of core subjects including language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.  Students are required to spend at least 60 hours in an assigned classroom.  Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education.  Completion of Elementary Education Level 2 courses with a grade of B- or better. This course is part of Elementary Education Level 3 and should be taken with EDUC 3115 , EDUC 3280 , EDUC 4300 , EDUC 4320 , EDUC 4330 .
  • EDUC 4250 - Second Language Acquisition: Theories and Implementation

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]

    This course explores second language acquisition processes, current theories, and effective strategies as a knowledge base in planning appropriate curriculum and instruction for English language learners.
  • EDUC 4270 - Literacy Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course will examine literacy strategies for English Language Learners.  Teacher candidates will learn how to apply literacy strategies to teach reading, writing, listening and speaking skills, while including culture, to scaffold language development in both the second language and mainstream classrooms.
  • EDUC 4300 - Elementary Mathematics Methods

    Credits: (3)
    Typically taught:
    Fall [Full Sem]
    Spring [Full Sem]

    This course includes the study of mathematics methods appropriate for elementary school curriculum with specific emphasis on developmental strategies including the concrete-representational-abstract instructional model. Connections to other subject areas, problem solving, critical thinking skills and real-life situations are stressed. Prerequisite: Completion of Elementary Education Level 2 courses with a grade of B- or better. This course is part of Elementary Education Level 3 and should be taken with EDUC 3115 , EDUC 3280 , EDUC 4210 , EDUC 4320 , EDUC 4330 .

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