EDUC 4420 - Foundations of Education of the Gifted Credits: (2) Description: An overview of education for the gifted and talented; historical and philosophical background; characteristics, needs, and developmental patterns of the gifted; issues in identification, differentiating curriculum, and educational program options; special populations of gifted students. Note: This course is not currently offered. |
EDUC 4450 - Creativity and Applied Imagination in the K-12 Classroom Credits: (2) Description: Exploration and development of readily available personal and community resources to encourage creative thinking, classroom involvement, and transfer of learning. Note: This course is not currently offered. |
EDUC 4470 - Teaching for Thinking Credits: (2) Description: Theory and practice for teaching thinking skills in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education and EDUC 3140 or equivalent. Note: This course is not currently offered. |
EDUC 4480 - Differentiated Curriculum for the Gifted and Talented Credits: (3) Description: Curriculum theories and educational strategies for educating gifted and talented students. A practical course, with special attention to the development of instructional materials appropriate for use by gifted students in special programs as well as in the regular classroom. Note: This course is not currently offered. |
EDUC 4490 - Assessment and Evaluation in Education of the Gifted Credits: (3) Description: Principles of assessment applied to: identification of gifted and talented students including identification of gifted in minority populations, diagnosis of student learning needs, learning styles, evaluation of student progress, and evaluation of program effectiveness. Note: This course is not currently offered. |
EDUC 4510 - Foundations in Special Education Practice and Law Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $0.00 Description: This course will introduce students to the philosophical, historical, legal and ethical foundations of special education. Students will examine in depth the characteristics of exceptional learners. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education, EDUC 2010 .
EDUC 4515 - IEP Planning and Special Education Law Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Description: This course provides students with a broad knowledge and understanding of a wide range of legal issues concerning the provision of special education services to students with disabilities. A review of pertinent legislation concerning human and constitutional rights related to persons with disabilities will be addressed. Teachers’ specific responsibilities and liabilities are described and related to current requirements for development of appropriate educational programs. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Special Education Level 2 courses with a grade of B- or better.
EDUC 4520 - Collaboration, Consultation, and IEP Development Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Description: Roles of the special educator and families. IEP development, Least Restrictive environment, managing multidisciplinary team activities and techniques of collaboration and consultation. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education.
EDUC 4521 - Practicum in Special Education A Credits: (3) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $10.00 Course Fee Purpose: Mileage fee for supervision Description: The purpose of this practicum is to provide teacher candidates with opportunities to implement content-specific instruction and demonstrate quality inclusion strategies while working with students in special education. Teacher candidates are required to spend at least 60 hours in an assigned classroom. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Special Education Block 1 Foundation courses with a grade of B- or better.
EDUC 4530 - Principles and Applications of Special Education Assessment Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $20.00 Course Fee Purpose: This course is designed to provide students with knowledge of the basic terminology of test measurements, criterion referenced assessments, curriculum based assessments and data collection. The fees in this course are used for purchasing assessment instruments used in schools. Description: Administer, score, and interpret norm-referenced assessments instruments, analyze in combination with data from other assessment processes, and use to determine eligibility and develop educational programs. Requires passing Block 1 with a B- or better. Suggested Requisite(s): This course is part of Special Education Block 3 courses and should be taken with EDUC 4545 , EDUC 4565 , EDUC 4575 , EDUC 4580 .
EDUC 4535 - Strategic Plan for Disability Credits: (3) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: This course is designed to instruct students in methods to successfully facilitate the inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom. Strategies will be given for how to initiate, grow, and sustain, effective collaborative educational environments, utilize specifically designed instruction, and develop targeted accommodations and modifications that can be efficiently delivered in general education environments to create meaningful access for students with disabilities. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Education Level 1 courses with a grade of B- or better.
EDUC 4540 - Managing Student Behavior Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Current issues, practices, and application of a variety of approaches for behavior change, discipline and management of the classroom environment, and the teaching of appropriate social skills. Suggested Requisite(s): This course is part of Special Education Block 1 courses and should be taken with EDUC 4521 , EDUC 4530 , EDUC 4550 , EDUC 4560 .
EDUC 4545 - Individualized Behavioral Strategies Using Applied Behavior Analysis Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Description: This course is designed to teach teacher candidates validated individual behavioral intervention strategies, particularly those designed to meet the needs of students with severe behavioral and social skill deficits. This course will address the needs of those candidates using Applied Behavior Analysis. Candidates will conduct functional assessments and write and implement a function-based behavior intervention plan. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Education Level 2 courses with a grade of B- or better.
EDUC 4550 - Instructional Planning and Learning Environments for Special Education Students Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Instructional programming and modification of curriculum for students with disabilities served by teachers with Mild/Moderate Endorsements. Pre-requisite(s): Admission to Teacher Education. Suggested Requisite(s): This course is part of Elementary Education Level 1 and should be taken with EDUC 3120 , EDUC 3140 , EDUC 3205 , EDUC 3270 .
EDUC 4555 - Validated Instructional Methods: Reading Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: This course is designed to introduce principles and validated strategies for teaching reading to students with mild/moderate disabilities. The course will cover student characteristics and school setting demands that contribute to lack of success in reading. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Special Education Block 2 Integrated Methods courses with a grade of B- or better. Suggested Requisite(s): This course is part of Special Education Block 3 Advanced Methods courses and should be taken with EDUC 4570 , EDUC 4580 , EDUC 4581 .
EDUC 4560 - Validated Instructional Methods: Mathematics Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: This course is designed to introduce principles and techniques for diagnosis and remediation of mathematics problems. The course will cover student characteristics and school setting demands that contribute to lack of success in mathematics classrooms. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Special Education Block 1 Foundation courses with a grade of B- or better. Suggested Requisite(s): This course is part of Special Education Block 2 Integrated Methods courses and should be taken with EDUC 4521 , EDUC 4530 , EDUC 4540 , EDUC 4550 .
EDUC 4570 - Validated Instructional Methods: Written Expression Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: This course is designed to introduce principles and validated strategies for teaching written expression to students with mild/moderate disabilities. The course will cover student characteristics and school setting demands that contribute to lack of success in written expression. Pre-requisite(s): EDUC 4530 . Co-Requisite(s): EDUC 4581 . Suggested Requisite(s): This course is part of Special Education Block 3 Advanced Methods courses and should be taken with EDUC 4555 , EDUC 4580 , EDUC 4581 .
EDUC 4580 - Instructional and Transition Planning for Special Education Students Credits: (3) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $7.00 Course Fee Purpose: The course fees in this course will be used to buy consumable assessment protocols and to purchase non-consumable assessment kits as new versions are made available. Description: Instructional programming and modification of curriculum for students with disabilities served by teachers with Mild/Moderate Endorsements. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Education Level 1 courses with a grade of B- or better.
EDUC 4581 - Pre-Student Teaching in Special Education: Assessment, Behavior Management, Instruction Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: The purpose of Pre-Student Teaching is to continue field experience in a supportive and professional manner. The student will have the opportunity to experience teaching and the responsibilities that it entails under the direct guidance of the Cooperating Teacher and the Course Instructor. This course is designed to provide students with practical experiences in the areas of: a) literacy curriculum and instruction for students K-12, and (b) planning and developing post-secondary transition plans. Practical experience in assessment and behavior management are continued. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Special Education Block 2 Integrated Methods courses with a grade of B- or better. Suggested Requisite(s): This course is part of Special Education Block 3 Advanced Methods courses and should be taken with EDUC 4555 , EDUC 4570 , EDUC 4580 .
EDUC 4582 INT - Practicum in Special Education B Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $15.00 Course Fee Purpose: Mileage fee for supervision Description: The purpose of this practicum is to provide teacher candidates with opportunities to implement content-specific instruction and demonstrate quality instruction while working in special education and/or general education classrooms. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Education Level 2 courses with a grade of B- or better.
EDUC 4640 - Validated Instructional Methods: Mathematics Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: This course is designed to introduce principles and techniques for diagnosis and remediation of mathematics problems. The course will cover student characteristics and school setting demands that contribute to lack of success in mathematics classrooms.
EDUC 4650 - Validated Instructional Methods: Reading Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: This course is designed to introduce principles and validated strategies for teaching reading to students with mild/moderate disabilities. The course will cover student characteristics and school setting demands that contribute to lack of success in reading.
EDUC 4660 - Validated Instructional Methods: Written Expression Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: This course is designed to introduce principles and validated strategies for teaching written expression to students with mild/moderate disabilities. The course will cover student characteristics and school setting demands that contribute to lack of success in written expression.
EDUC 4670A - Special Education Student Teaching Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $100.00 Course Fee Purpose: The course fee pays for student teaching supervisor visits. Description: Supervised teaching in selected special education programs in an elementary or secondary school. Available on a CR/NC basis only. Pre-requisite(s): Successful completion of mild/moderate licensure course work and permission of the Field Experience Director. Can be repeated one time. Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4686 the first time.
EDUC 4670B - Special Education Student Teaching Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $175.00 Course Fee Purpose: The course fee pays for student teaching supervisor visits. Description: Supervised teaching in selected special education programs in an elementary or secondary school. Available on a CR/NC basis only. Pre-requisite(s): Successful completion of mild/moderate licensure course work and permission of the Field Experience Director. Can be repeated one time. Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4686 the first time.
EDUC 4680A INT - Special Education Student Teaching Credits: (8) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $200.00 Course Fee Purpose: Supervision stipend and mileage reimbursement. Description: Supervised clinical practice in an elementary or secondary school at which candidates teach pupils with mild/moderate disabilities. Available on a CR/NC basis only. Pre-requisite(s): Successful completion of Special Education levels 1-3 with B- or above. Co-Requisite(s): Must be taken concurrently with EDUC 4686 .
EDUC 4680B INT - Special Education Student Teaching Credits: (8) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $400.00 Course Fee Purpose: Supervisor stipend and mileage reimbursement (remote location). Description: Supervised clinical practice in an elementary or secondary school at which candidates teach pupils with mild/moderate disabilities. Available on a CR/NC basis only. Pre-requisite(s): Successful completion of Special Education levels 1-3 with B- or above. Co-Requisite(s): Must be taken concurrently with EDUC 4686 .
EDUC 4685 - Special Education Student Teaching Seminar and Synthesis Credits: (1) Description: The Seminar and Synthesis will support student teaching through regular meetings. Pre-requisite(s): Successful completion of Special Education Licensure requirements. Co-Requisite(s): Must be taken concurrently with EDUC 4670A . Note: This course is available to non-majors. |
EDUC 4686 - Special Education Student Teaching Seminar & Synthesis for Special Education Majors Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: The Seminar and Synthesis will support student teaching through regular meetings on campus. Pre-requisite(s): SPED Levels 1-3 and approval by student teaching director.
EDUC 4700 - Learning in the Schools Credits: (2) Description: Principles of learning and management and their application to the school situation. Pre-requisite(s): Student teaching.
EDUC 4740 - Building School Partnerships with ESL/Bilingual Families Credits: (1) Typically Taught Summer Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: This course prepares students to be advocates and practitioners of family involvement in education. Goals and benefits of family involvement will be explored along with specific strategies for developing a partnership within the education system. Components of family structure, economics, cultural diversity, second-language learners, communication skills and resources are integrated into the student experience.
EDUC 4820E - Managing Diverse Classrooms Credits: (3) Description: Current issues, methodology and application of a variety of approaches for behavioral change, discipline and management of diverse learners in the context of classroom environments. Pre-requisite(s): Teacher Education Level 3 Elementary (EDUC 4300 , EDUC 4320 or EDUC 4350 if previously taken, EDUC 4330 , EDUC 4345 ). Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with the other courses in Teacher Education Level 4 Elementary (EDUC 4840A , EDUC 4860 ). Note: This course is not currently offered. |
EDUC 4820S - Managing Diverse Classrooms Credits: (3) Description: Current issues, methodology and application of a variety of approaches for behavioral change, discipline and management of diverse learners in the context of classroom environments. Pre-requisite(s): Secondary Teacher Education Core (EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3900 , and EDUC 3935 ). Note: This course is not currently offered. |
EDUC 4830 - Individually Prescribed Program Credits: (1-6) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Designed primarily for individual needs. May be repeated up to 6 credit hours.
EDUC 4840A INT - Student Teaching in Elementary Education Credits: (8) Typically Taught Summer Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $200.00 Course Fee Purpose: Student teaching supervision stipend and mileage. Description: Student teaching experience in a public school to synthesize theory and practice. Support seminars held on campus. Available on a CR/NC basis only. Pre-requisite(s): EDUC Levels 1-3 and permission of the Field Experience Director. Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4850 .
EDUC 4840B INT - Student Teaching in Elementary Education Credits: (8) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $350.00 Course Fee Purpose: Stipend and mileage for instructor supervision (remote location). Description: Student teaching experience in a public school to synthesize theory and practice. Support seminars held on campus. Available on a CR/NC basis only. Pre-requisite(s): EDUC Levels 1-3 and permission of the Field Experience Director. Co-Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4850 .
EDUC 4850 - Integrated Elementary Education Student Teaching Seminar and Synthesis Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: This course will help prepare teacher candidates for student teaching and ultimately licensure with two different types of activities. First, are weekly, 3-hour collaboration and topical seminars emphasizing on-going discussions and support on classroom management, preparing the TWS and INTASC portfolio, creating your career file, and other education issues. Second, is a two-day workshop to synthesize the semester and have your INTASC portfolio assessed. Pre-requisite(s): Satisfactory completion of Levels 1-3. Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4840A/B
EDUC 4860 - Elementary Senior Synthesis Seminar Credits: (1) Description: Synthesis of the TREC model for elementary programs with specific emphasis on beginning a professional career in teaching. Senior project is required. To be taken for CR/NC only. Pre-requisite(s): Teacher Education Level 3 Elementary (EDUC 4300 , EDUC 4320 or EDUC 4350 if previously taken, EDUC 4330 , EDUC 4345 ). Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with the other courses in Teacher Education Level 4 Elementary (EDUC 4820E , EDUC 4840A ). Note: This course is not currently offered. |
EDUC 4870 - Directed Experiences with Students Credits: (1) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Directed experiences with elementary and secondary school students in cooperating schools. Students may register for one unit of credit per semester for a maximum of three semester hours.
EDUC 4890 INT - Cooperative Work Experience Credits: (1-6) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: For students accepted to the Teacher Education Program who meet the minimum cooperative work experience requirements of the department. Provides academic credit for on-the-job experience. Amount of credit will be determined by the department. Fingerprinting/background check must be completed prior to working in the schools. May be repeated up to 6 credit hours.
EDUC 4920 - Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs Credits: (1-6) Workshop Course Fee: $0.00 Description: Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. May be repeated for a total maximum of 6 credit hours. Note: Available on CR/NC basis. |
EDUC 4930A - Student Teaching in Secondary Education Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $100.00 Course Fee Purpose: Stipend and mileage for instructor supervision. Description: Student teaching experience in secondary public school setting plus weekly seminar on campus. Offered CR/NC only. Pre-requisite(s): Secondary Teacher Education Core (EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3265 , EDUC 3315 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3910 , EDUC 3935 ) and permission of the Field Experience Director. Can be repeated one time. Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4950 the first time.
EDUC 4930B - Student Teaching in Secondary Education Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $175.00 Course Fee Purpose: Stipend and mileage for instructor supervision. Description: Student teaching experience in secondary public school setting plus weekly seminar on campus. Offered CR/NC only. Pre-requisite(s): Secondary Teacher Education Core (EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3265 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3910 , EDUC 3935 ) and permission of the Field Experience Director. Can be repeated one time. Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4950 the first time.
EDUC 4940A INT - Student Teaching in Secondary Education Credits: (8) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $200.00 Course Fee Purpose: Stipend and mileage for instructor supervision. Description: Student teaching experience in a public school to synthesize theory and practice. Support seminars held on campus. Available on a CR/NC basis only. Pre-requisite(s): Secondary Teacher Education Core (EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3265 , EDUC 3315 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3910 , EDUC 3935 ). Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4950 Integrated Secondary Student Teaching Seminar.
EDUC 4940B INT - Student Teaching in Secondary Education Credits: (8) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $350.00 Course Fee Purpose: Stipend and mileage for instructor supervision (remote location). Description: Student teaching experience in a public school to synthesize theory and practice. Support seminars held on campus. Available on a CR/NC basis only. Pre-requisite(s): Secondary Teacher Education Core (EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3265 , EDUC 3315 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3910 , EDUC 3935 ). Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4950 - Integrated Secondary Student Teaching Seminar .
EDUC 4950 - Integrated Secondary Student Teaching Seminar Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Preparation and support for secondary clinical practice. Collaborative and topical seminars will emphasize on-going discussions and support on classroom management, ethics, preparing the TWS and INTASC portfolio, creating a career file, and secondary school issues. Pre-requisite(s): Completion of Secondary Teacher Education Core (EDUC 3220 , EDUC 3265 , EDUC 3315 , EDUC 3900 , EDUC 3910 , EDUC 3935 ). Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with Student Teaching in Secondary Education (EDUC 4930A or EDUC 4940A ).
EDUC 4960 - Secondary Senior Synthesis Seminar Credits: (1) Description: Synthesis of the TREC Model for elementary and secondary programs with specific emphasis on beginning a professional career in teaching. Senior Project is required. Suggested Requisite(s): Should be taken concurrently with EDUC 4820S and EDUC 4840A . Note: This course is not currently offered. |
EDUC 5050 - Action Research in the Classroom Credits: (2) Description: Students will explore effective classroom-based research techniques, complete a classroom-based case study, and promote the ongoing application of research to the improvement of teaching practice. This course is designed for cooperating teachers in the site-based teacher education program, and is graded CR/NC. Note: This course is offered as needed. |
EDUC 5060 - Effective Mentoring in the Classroom Credits: (2) Description: Course covers strategies for effectively mentoring student teachers and novice teachers by expert teachers. Expectations for the course include journal keeping, writing assignments, and mentoring project. Note: This course is offered as needed. |
EDUC 5110 - Advanced Multicultural/Bilingual Education Credits: (3) Description: Provides a knowledge base concerning the curricular issues and need for multicultural education, and explores various curriculum models and approaches for successful implementation of multicultural education across the curriculum.
EDUC 5120 - Culture and Language Credits: (3) Description: Examines the effects and impact of historical, political, social, and economic issues which affect teaching and learning for students from diverse cultural and ethnic groups.
EDUC 5320 - Reading in the Content Areas Credits: (3) Description: Use of reading as an effective means to help students comprehend their course material. Explores how to incorporate these skills into the curriculum of the content areas.
EDUC 5330 - Using Children’s Literature in the Classroom Credits: (2) Description: This course will provide a broad basis for using children’s literature for instructional purposes in elementary classrooms to enhance literacy development.
EDUC 5340 - Assessment and Corrective Procedures in Reading Credits: (3) Description: Assessment of reading problems and corrective procedures for remediation in elementary classrooms.
EDUC 5360 - Literacy in the Elementary School Credits: (3) Description: An exploration of current reading, oral and written language theories, and their applications for the improvement of literacy practices in schools.
EDUC 5770 INT - Field Experience in ESL/Bilingual Education Credits: (2) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Students will gain experience in teaching and working with ESL/bilingual students and apply what they have learned from relevant courses.
EDUC 5920 - Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs Credits: (1-6) Workshop Description: Consult the semester class schedule for the current offerings under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. May be repeated for a total maximum of 6 credit hours. Note: Available on CR/NC basis. |
EDUC 5920G - Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs Credits: (1-6) Workshop Description: Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. May be repeated up to 18 credit hours. Note: Available on CR/NC basis. For graduate students. |
EEN 1200 - Introduction to Energy Engineering Credits: (2) Description: Introduction to the field of energy engineering. Energy sources, electrical power generation, renewable and non-renewable energy, environmental and economic issues, the energy future. Pre-requisite(s): ENGR 1000 and PHYS 2210 .
EEN 2600 - Engineering Economics Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Emphasizes the systematic evaluation of the costs and benefits of engineering solutions. Topics include equivalence, simple and compound interest, cash flow diagrams, present worth, equivalent uniform annual worth, rate of return, payback period, depreciation, income taxes, and inflation. Pre-requisite(s): MATH 1050 or equivalent placement.
EEN 3000 - Design, Ethics & Entrepreneurship Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Fundamentals of the engineering design process. Design modeling, simulation, documentation and communication. Engineering ethics and entrepreneurship. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 1200 .
EEN 3200 - Sustainable Energy Credits: (3) Description: Introduction to sustainable energy. Energy conservation and efficiency. Renewable energy systems and energy storage. Economic, societal and environmental aspects of sustainable energy. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 1200 .
EEN 4100 - Senior Project I Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: An energy engineering project will be selected for team participation. Team assignments will lead to the completion of a preliminary design phase which includes concept generation, engineering analysis and design, prototype testing, and preliminary economic analyses. Senior Project I culminates in a preliminary design review based on formal student presentations of documented engineering drawings of the proposed design. Pre-requisite(s): Departmental permission.
EEN 4200 - Senior Project II Credits: (3) Description: Continuation of EEN 4100 . Team assignments will lead to the construction, testing and optimization of the design. This includes detailed engineering analysis and testing of prototypes, final parameter and tolerance design, and economic analysis of the project. Senior Project II culminates in a final design review based on formal student presentations of the documented final product and verification that the final product meets all requirements. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 4100 .
EEN 4300 - Energy Auditing Credits: (2) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Introduction to energy auditing of buildings and industrial processes. Energy assessment, conservation, efficiency, and cost analysis of energy systems. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 2600 and ME 4000 .
EEN 4420 - Renewable Energy Systems Design I Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Introduction to renewable energy systems. In-depth coverage of the analysis and design of solar and wind energy systems. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 3200 and ME 4000 .
EEN 4430 - Renewable Energy Systems Design II Credits: (3) Description: Follow-on course to EEN 4420 . Analysis and design of hydroelectric, geothermal, marine, and biomass energy systems. Environmental and economic impacts of these renewable energy technologies. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 4420 .
EEN 4440 - Introduction to Energy Systems Credits: (3) Typically Taught Summer Semester: - Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: Introduction to systems engineering as applied to the energy industry. Systems definition, attributes and properties. Command and control, mission modeling, verification and validation, documentation. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 3000 .
EEN 4450 - Electric Vehicles Engineering Credits: (3) Description: Introduction to electric and hybrid-electric vehicles. Alternative fuels, powertrains, battery technologies, vehicle dynamics, propulsion, energy management, braking and controls. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 3200 .
EEN 4460 - Energy Management Credits: (3) Description: Energy management design, utility rates, economic analyses, mechanical and electrical systems, safety, green technologies and sustainability. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 3000 .
EEN 4470 - Energy and Environmental Issues Credits: (3) Description: Environmental impacts of energy systems, fossil fuels, renewable and green technologies, nuclear energy, energy conservation and climate change. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 3200 .
EEN 4480 - Energy and Legal Issues Credits: (3) Description: Legal issues of energy systems, regulations, case law pertaining to development and implementation of energy systems, climate change, political influences. Pre-requisite(s): EEN 3000 .
EET 1110 - Basic Electronics Credits: (2) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $40.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Introduction to the concepts and fundamentals of electronic devices, circuits and systems. An electronics overview course for technology majors. Topics include direct current electricity, alternating current electricity, transistors and integrated circuits, amplifiers and oscillators, transmitters and receivers, digital logic circuits, electronic memory, and computers. Pre-requisite(s): Credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1010 or higher.
EET 1130 - Digital Systems Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Introduction to digital electronics, integrated circuits, numbering systems, Boolean algebra, gates, flip-flops, multiplexers, sequential circuits, combinational circuits, programmable logic devices, and computer architecture. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, analysis, and measurement of basic digital systems. Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1010 or equivalent or any higher math.
EET 1140 - DC Circuits Credits: (3) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Introduction to DC circuit fundamentals, analysis, theorems, laws, components, measuring devices, and equipment. The introduction and use of measuring instruments and power supplies. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include circuit design, construction, and analysis of DC circuits. Pre-requisite/Co-requisite: Prerequisite: EET 1110 and credit for or concurrent enrollment in MATH 1060 or MATH 1080 or any higher math.
EET 1850 - Industrial Electronics Credits: (4) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Industrial electronics course for Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology majors. Introduction to DC and AC circuits, machines, and power systems. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, and analysis of DC/AC circuits and machinery. Pre-requisite(s): MATH 1010 or equivalent or any higher math.
EET 2010 - AC Circuits Credits: (3) Description: The course serves as an extension of circuit analysis methods taught in EET 1140 to AC networks. The introduction of complex numbers and phasor notation at the beginning of the course is followed by AC circuit analysis techniques and the determination of the frequency response for passive AC networks. The course is a combination of lecture and laboratory formats. Laboratory activities will include the design, computer simulation, validation and analysis of passive AC networks. Pre-requisite(s): EET 1140 and credit for MATH 1060 or MATH 1080 .
EET 2110 - Semiconductor Circuits Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Introduction to the design and analysis of semiconductor circuits using diodes, transistors, op-amps, field effect devices, thyristors, and regulators. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, computer simulation, and analysis of semiconductor circuits, amplifiers and power supplies. Pre-requisite(s): EET 1130 , EET 1140 , MATH 1060 or higher.
EET 2120 - Power and Motors Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Introduction to AC and DC motors, relays, transformers, power measurements, National Electrical Code, ladder logic, wiring, and programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, and analysis of basic power circuits and machinery configurations. Pre-requisite(s): EET 1140 , MATH 1060 or higher.
EET 2130 - PC Board Design Credits: (3) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: An introduction to the design of printed circuit boards and packaging with emphasis on the design, simulation, analysis and packaging of circuits. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities include the design, construction, and testing of prototype circuit boards. CAD programs will be used for the design and layout of circuit boards. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2110 .
EET 2140 - Communications Systems Credits: (4) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Introduction to digital and wireless communication circuits. Topics to include radio frequency circuits, modulation, detection, transmitters, receivers, transmission lines, antennas, and measurement instruments. Digital communications topics to include parallel and serial data transmission. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, computer simulation, and analysis of communication circuits. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2110 .
EET 2150 - Embedded Controllers Credits: (4) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: A study of microprocessors, embedded controllers, operational characteristics, computer architecture, machine code programming, memory devices, and interfacing. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities include the design, construction, and analysis of microprocessor based systems. Analysis techniques include the use of assemblers, cross-assemblers, and emulators. Pre-requisite(s): Credit for or Current Enrollment in EET 2110 .
EET 2160 - Troubleshooting Credits: (3) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $100.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: An introduction to troubleshooting techniques and skills. Topics include the use of diagnostic electronic test equipment such as multi-meters, power supplies, signal generators, digital storage oscilloscopes, and spectrum analyzers. Students will diagnose and repair electronic circuits and systems. Lecture and laboratory combination. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2110 , EET 2120 , EET 2170 .
EET 2170 - Industrial Controls Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $100.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Introduction to industrial control systems for manufacturing and automated test applications. The course will focus on LabVIEW control systems and Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). Students will configure, program, and troubleshoot industrial control systems. Lecture and lab combination. Pre-requisite(s): EET 1130 , EET 1140 .
EET 2180 - Solar PV Systems Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: The purpose of this course is for each student to learn the fundamental knowledge and technology of solar PV (Photovoltaic) systems. This course discusses the limitation and the impacts of using fossil fuel energy and its possible impact on global climate change. Solar energy can provide a long term solution and minimize climate change. This course will enable students to build an essential foundation towards how to design the solar PV systems for various applications. The topics in this course include PV markets and applications, electricity basics, safety basics, the fundamentals of solar PV energy, PV system components, grid-tied and battery-based systems, load analysis and PV system sizing, PV system electrical and mechanical designs, National Electric Code (NEC) applied to PV systems, commissioning and decommissioning, performance analysis, maintenance and troubleshooting. Incentives, rebates and policies from federal, state and local power company will also be addressed in the class. The students will learn how to acquire professional certifications if they are interested in developing a career in solar PV industry. Pre-requisite(s): EET 1140 or EET 1850 .
EET 2190 - Solar PV Technical Assessments Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: The purpose of this course is to educate each student how to be a solar electric professional with demonstrated expertise in the siting, design, analysis and performance of PV systems from site specific information, analyzes customer needs and energy usage for the purpose of advising and providing customers with the most appropriate solution for their situation. Each student will also learn the fundamental knowledge and technology of solar PV (Photovoltaic) systems. The topics in this course include PV markets and applications, electricity basics, safety basics, the fundamentals of solar PV energy, PV system components and configurations, grid-tied and battery-based systems, load analysis, qualifying the customer, site analysis, conceptual PV system design, financial costs, incentives and savings, financial benefit analysis and financing, non-financial benefit analysis, performance analysis, prepare proposals, and professional sales skills. The students will learn how to acquire professional certifications if they are interested in developing a career in solar PV industry. Pre-requisite(s): EET 1140 or EET 1850 .
EET 3010 - Circuit Analysis Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Advanced calculus-based topics related to electronic circuit analysis, Laplace transforms, differential equations, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, and applications. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities include circuit design, construction, computer simulation, and analysis. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2110 , EET 2140 , Credit for or Current Enrollment in in MATH 1210 .
EET 3020 - Active Filters Credits: (4) Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Continuation of Circuit Analysis, EET 3010 . Topics include active and passive filters, Pole-zero analysis, stability, Bode diagrams, frequency response, and applications. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities include circuit design, construction, computer simulation, and analysis. Pre-requisite(s): EET 3010 .
EET 3030 - FPGA and ASIC Design Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Introduction to field programmable gate arrays (FPGA) and application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the use of computer design tools to design, model, simulate, and program gate arrays and application specific integrated circuits. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2150 .
EET 3040 - Instrumentation and Measurements Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Introduction to electronic data acquisition, data analysis, error analysis, signal measurement, and automatic testing techniques. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include the design, construction, and analysis of measurement circuits, data acquisition circuits, instrumentation devices, and automatic testing. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2110 , EET 2170 .
EET 3050 - Microprocessor Systems Credits: (4) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Microprocessor system development using modern software design principles and high level programming languages. Topics include peripheral interfacing, real-time operating systems and debugging techniques. Lecture and lab combination. Laboratory activities to include design, simulation, computer programming, analysis, and troubleshooting. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2150 and either CS 1410 or CS 2250 .
EET 3060 - Real-Time Embedded Controllers Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: An introduction to real-time kernals and operating systems. Priority-based pre-emptive scheduling, intertask communication, and intertask synchronization will be studied. Other topics include priority inversions, semaphores, mutexes, context switches, rate monotonic analysis (RMA), various kernal services, finite state machines, and nested state machines. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2150 .
EET 3070 - Engineering Technology Research Credits: (3) Description: Engineering problem solving using the Internet, professional journals, and human networking. Three styles of writing emphasized; technical descriptions, historical perspectives of technology, and technical defensible arguments. Pre-requisite(s): AAS degree in CET or EET.
EET 3080 - Embedded Networks Credits: (4) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: This course provides an in-depth study of several serial communication standards and how to implement them in embedded systems. The standards addressed in this class include RS232, RS485, Controller Area Network (CAN), and Ethernet. Emphasis will be placed on utilizing the stacks and protocols for each standard. The channel bandwidth, noise, and data error rate will be addressed. Wireless methods of serial communication will be surveyed. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2150 .
EET 3090 - Project Management Credits: (2) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $10.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: EET 3090 Project Management course is designed to prepare students for the senior capstone project. The course will include development of a contract, goal setting, time management, budgeting, project funding, project leadership and team building principles. Engineering economics, team work, quality statistics and continuous improvement will also be discussed. Other topics include project life cycles, organization and risk management. Pre-requisite(s): EET 1110 , and EET 1140 , and EET 2010 .
EET 3100 - Renewable Energy Credits: (3) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: The purpose of the EET 3100 Renewable Energy course is for each student to learn the fundamental knowledge and technology of various types of renewable energy including solar energy, wind power, hydroelectric, geothermal energy, biomass and ocean energy. This course discusses the limitations and the impacts of using fossil fuel energy and its possible impact on global climate change. This course will enable students to build an essential foundation towards the specific applications of renewable energy such as solar PV (Photovoltaic) systems, wind turbine systems and micro-hydro systems. Incentives, rebates and policies from federal, state and local power companies will also be addressed in the class. The students will learn how to acquire professional certifications if they are interested in developing a career in the area of renewable energy. Pre-requisite(s): EET 1110 or EET 1850 .
EET 3180 - Advanced Solar PV Systems Credits: (4) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Description: The purpose of this course is for each student to learn the advanced knowledge and technology of solar PV (Photovoltaic) systems. This course will enable students to verify system design, manage project, install electrical and mechanical components, complete system installation, and conduct maintenance and troubleshooting. The topics in this course includes PV markets and applications, safety requirements, the advanced technology of solar PV systems, PV system components, grid-tied and battery-based systems, load analysis and PV system sizing, PV system electrical and mechanical designs, National Electric Code (NEC) applied to PV systems, commissioning and decommissioning, performance analysis, maintenance and troubleshooting, and CAD software for PV system design. Incentives, rebates and policies from federal, state and local power company will also be addressed in the class. The students will learn how to acquire professional certifications if they are interested in developing a career in solar PV industry. Pre-requisite(s): EET 2180 .
EET 3810 - Experimental Course Credits: (1-6) Experimental Description: Consult the semester class schedule for the current offering under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript. May be repeated for a total maximum of 6 credit hours.
EET 4010 - Senior Project I Credits: (2) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: Students will work on teams to design, construct, test, and install a significant engineering project. The course includes selecting a team, selecting a project, writing a contract, maintaining a logbook, creating and following project milestones, setting and completing weekly goals, writing a manual, and making a final presentation to students, faculty, and industry advisers. Pre-requisite(s): EET 3090 .
EET 4020 - Senior Project II Credits: (2) Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $50.00 Course Fee Purpose: Lab related consumables and maintenance of laboratory equipment. Description: A continuation of EET 4010 Senior Project I. Students will work on teams to design, construct, test, and install a significant engineering project. The course includes selecting a team, selecting a project, writing a contract, maintaining a logbook, creating and following project milestones, setting and completing weekly goals, writing a manual, and making a final presentation to students, faculty, and industry advisers. Pre-requisite(s): EET 4010 .
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