Feb 13, 2025  
2022-23 Catalog 
2022-23 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.

Course Descriptions

  • ZOOL 4250  - Radiation Biology

    Credits: (4)
    Description: The study of harmful effects of radiation and practical applications of radioactive tracer techniques to biological problems.
    Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110 , ZOOL 2220 , and beginning courses in chemistry and physics, or approval of instructor.
    Note: This course is not currently offered.
  • ZOOL 4300  - Research Applications in Genetics

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
    Course Fee: $40.00
    Course Fee Purpose: Consumable lab supplies; lab equipment maintenance and replacement
    Description: The techniques of genetics are essential to all areas of biological research, from human biology and medicine, to ecology, population structure and diversification. This course examines the applications of genetics to a variety of topics, including medicine, forensics, wildlife management and ecology. Laboratory exercises provide hands-on experience with generating, analyzing and interpreting genetic data. 
    Three lecture/lab hours and one 3-hour lab per week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110 , ZOOL 2220 , and ZOOL 3300 , or permission of instructor.
  • ZOOL 4350  - Animal Behavior

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem, alternating years
    Course Fee: $25.00
    Course Fee Purpose: Consumable lab supplies; lab equipment maintenance and replacement; motor pool
    Description: All animals are motivated to acquire food, avoid predators and parasites, find and secure mates, select habitat, communicate with other animals, and move through their environment. This course is centered on the concepts that underlie such behaviors in nature, with a strong emphasis on both the ecological context and the evolutionary history that has produced them. The primary focus of the lab is on the development and completion of an original, semester-long research project. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
  • ZOOL 4470  - Wildlife Ecology and Management

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem, alternating years
    Description: Principles of wildlife ecology and the techniques of wildlife population analysis and manipulation.
    Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110 , ZOOL 2220 , and ZOOL 3450 , or approval of instructor.
    Writing intensive course.
  • ZOOL 4480  - Aquatic Ecology

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem, alternating years
    Course Fee: $50.00
    Course Fee Purpose: Consumable lab supplies; lab equipment maintenance and replacement
    Description: Study of the physical, chemical, and biological interactions of freshwater ecosystems with emphasis on streams. Field trips required. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week.  
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
    Writing intensive course.
  • ZOOL 4490  - Marine Ecology

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
    Description: This course will examine the physical, chemical, and biological interactions within and among marine ecosystems. Topics covered will include: physical and biological oceanography, ecological processes driving the distribution and abundance of marine organisms, and exploration of major marine communities. Emphasis will be placed on reading primary scientific literature and discussion of human impacts such as pollution, overfishing, and climate change on all aspects of marine ecosystems. This course is a mixed lecture-lab design with six hours of lecture/lab per week. 

    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220  or approval of instructor.  ZOOL 3450  recommended.

  • ZOOL 4500  - Parasitology

    Credits: (4)
    Course Fee: $25.00
    Course Fee Purpose: Motor pool
    Description: Survey of representative external and internal parasites of humans, domestic animals, and wildlife. Emphasis is on their ecology and epidemiology.
    Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
    Note: This course is not currently offered.
  • ZOOL 4570  - Secondary School Science Teaching Methods

    Credits: (3)
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem
    Description: Acquaintance and practice with various teaching and assessment methods. Development of science curricula including lesson and unit plans. It is recommended that this course be completed immediately before student teaching.
    Pre-requisite(s): Admission to the Teacher Education Program.
    Cross-listed with BTNY, CHEM, GEO, MICR, & PHYS 4570.
  • ZOOL 4600  - Protozoology

    Credits: (4)
    Description: Structure, function and evolutionary relationships of unicellular organisms.
    Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
    Note: This course is not currently offered.
  • ZOOL 4640  - Entomology

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Summer Semester: Full Sem
    Course Fee: $25.00
    Course Fee Purpose: Consumable lab supplies; lab equipment maintenance and replacement; motor pool
    Description: Insects are the dominant animal group in terrestrial ecosystems and account for over half of all described species of organisms. This course provides an overview of insect anatomy, physiology, ecology and evolution. It also emphasizes the taxonomy of insects at the order and family levels and examines their role in natural systems, as well as their harmful and beneficial effects on agriculture and human health. The field-oriented lab focuses on the collection and curation of local insect specimens. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. 
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
  • ZOOL 4650  - Ichthyology

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem, alternating years
    Course Fee: $50.00
    Course Fee Purpose: Consumable lab supplies; lab equipment maintenance and replacement
    Description: Classification, ecology and biology of fishes and emphasis on local freshwater forms. Field trips required.
    Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
  • ZOOL 4660  - Herpetology

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem, alternating years
    Description: Structure, function and evolutionary relationships of amphibians and reptiles.
    Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab a week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
  • ZOOL 4670  - Ornithology

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem, alternating years
    Description: The biology of birds including form, function, behavior and ecology. Lab emphasizes identification of Utah species.
    Three lecture hours and one 3-hour lab or a field trip each week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
  • ZOOL 4680  - Mammalogy

    Credits: (4)
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem, alternating years
    Description: An overview of mammalian anatomy, behavior, conservation, ecology, evolution, physiology, and taxonomy. Three hours of lecture and three hours of lab per week. 
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
  • ZOOL 4700  - Topics in Zoology

    Credits: (1-4)
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
    Description: New and experimental courses, taught infrequently; may be taught with a laboratory section.  Check current semester schedule. Specific title and credit hours will appear on the student transcript. 
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
  • ZOOL 4800  - Problems in Zoology

    Credits: (1-4)
    Typically Taught Summer Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
    Description: Directed individual research in zoology guided by faculty member. Specific requirements determined in consultation with faculty member. 
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , and approval of instructor.
    May be repeated up to 8 credit hours for university credit.
  • ZOOL 4820  - Human Physiology Laboratory Teaching Assistant

    Credits: (1)
    Typically Taught Summer Semester: 1st Blk, 2nd Blk
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
    Description: Students selected to be Laboratory Teaching Assistants (Lab TA) will help in the Human Physiology laboratories. Under the teacher’s supervision, they (two teaching assistants per class) will address classes of up to 30 students. They will help set up the instruments, present background information, run the experiments and assess the student’s learning by giving and grading short quizzes.
    Pre-requisite(s): Students will need to have taken the Human Physiology class (ZOOL 2200 ) and laboratory, and obtained a minimum of a B+ in the class. Students will need to apply for one of the positions. Approval to be a Laboratory Teaching Assistant will be at the teacher’s discretion.
    May be repeated twice for a maximum of two credit hours.
  • ZOOL 4830  - Readings in Zoology

    Credits: (1-4)
    Typically Taught Summer Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
    Description: Directed individual readings in the general area of zoology. Specific topic selected in consultation with faculty member.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , and approval of instructor.
    May be repeated up to 8 credit hours for university credit.
  • ZOOL 4890 INT - Cooperative Work Experience

    Credits: (1-4)
    Typically Taught Summer Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
    Description: Academic credit for employment in career area related to zoology guided by specific written contract design by student, employer, and Zoology Department Chair. Open to all students; requires approval by Department Chair.
    May be repeated up to 12 credit hours for university credit.
  • ZOOL 4900  - Topics in Zoology

    Credits: (1-4)
    Variable Title
    Description: New and experimental courses, taught infrequently; may be taught with a laboratory section.  Check current semester schedule. Specific title and credit hours will appear on the student transcript. 
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
    May be repeated up to 12 credit hours for university credit.
    Note: Check with Department for course availability.
  • ZOOL 4920  - Short Courses, Workshops, Institutes, and Special Programs

    Credits: (1-6)
    Description: Consult class schedule for offerings under this number. The specific title and credit authorized will appear on the student transcript.
    Pre-requisite(s): vary and are determined by instructor.
    May be repeated for a total maximum of 6 credit hours.
    Note: This course is not currently offered.
  • ZOOL 4950  - Field Zoology

    Credits: (1-3)
    Course Fee: $30.00
    Course Fee Purpose: Consumable lab supplies; lab equipment maintenance and replacement; motor pool
    Description: Study conducted on an extended, supervised field trip.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
    May be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.
    Note: Check with Department for course availability.
  • ZOOL 4970  - Thesis

    Credits: (2)
    Typically Taught Summer Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
    Description: An extended, individual research project planned and completed under faculty supervision. Normally, two semesters of research (ZOOL 4800 ) will precede registration for this course. Culmination is an oral and written report of results obtained, with the final draft of the latter being due two weeks prior to the beginning of final exam week.  Instructor approval required.
    Pre-requisite(s): thesis committee approved research proposal, advanced class standing, and ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 
  • ZOOL 4980  - Research Design

    Credits: (2)
    Description: A basic course in the design and analysis of scientific experiments.
    Two lecture hours a week.
    Pre-requisite(s): minimum of two upper division Zoology courses.
    Note: This course is not currently offered.
  • ZOOL 4990  - Seminar

    Credits: (1)
    Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem
    Typically Taught Spring Semester: Full Sem
    Description: Presentations and discussion concerning a specific topic in zoology. One semester required. May be repeated to fulfill one additional credit of Zoology elective hours if taken beyond the one credit hour required for the major.
    One hour a week.
    Pre-requisite(s): ZOOL 1110  and ZOOL 2220 , or approval of instructor.
    May be repeated up to 3 credit hours for university credit.
  • ZOOL 5030G  - Zoology for Teachers

    Credits: (1-4)
    Description: Science content course for teachers in the MEd Science Emphasis Program. To register, select another Zoology course and develop a contract detailing additional work required for graduating credit. Contract must be approved by instructor, Department Chair, and Director of the Master of Education Program.
    Course may be repeated 3 times up to 4 credits.
    Note: This course is not currently offered.

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