Feb 05, 2025
MLS 4417 - Laboratory Teaching and Supervision II(1) Campus** - Sp; Online** - Su, F, Sp
On Campus: Instructional unit prepared in MLS 4414 will be presented at local hospitals to physicians and laboratory professionals during this semester. Each student will also participate as a laboratory teaching assistant (TA) in a MLS laboratory section assisting the faculty in the administration of the laboratory instruction. Each student will be assigned to a MLS course laboratory section in which expected behavior includes: active participation in laboratory teaching, demonstration of procedures, preparation of laboratory teaching materials and assisting laboratory faculty and students where ever needed. Continued processes set forth in MLS 4414 . Students are expected to apply sound educational and performance evaluation strategies set forth in MLS 4414 . Students also are presented the opportunity to refine their interpersonal skills through a teaching/learning process specifically designed for the medical laboratory scientist. Prerequisite: On Campus: MLS 4414 . Online: MLS 4414 . **Acceptance into the MLS BS Program required
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