Feb 12, 2025
BME 4010 - Senior Project I Credits: (2) Typically Taught Fall Semester: Full Sem Course Fee: $35.00 Course Fee Purpose: This course has a fee attached. Course fees are established in order to benefit the students in this course and may, among other things, be used to cover the costs of equipment replacement and maintenance, and consumable materials. Description: Students will be required to complete a 300-hour engineering project (over two semesters) in a team environment. Project management and problem-solving techniques will be emphasized. Topics include goal setting, developing milestone charts, writing contracts, conducting research, project design and construction, testing and analysis, project documentation, and design review presentations. Pre-requisite(s): Permission from the department. Before seeking departmental approval, students should be currently enrolled in BME 3090 and should have taken at least four 3000-level core ECE or BME courses, MATH 3410 or ECE 3430 , and either ENGL 3100 or PS 3250 . Exceptions to this rule are made only if a student’s graduation would otherwise be delayed. Suggested Requisite(s): BME 3090 and MATH 3410 and ENGL 3100 .
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