2016-2017 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.
Department of Economics
Return to: John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics
Department Chair: Brandon Koford
Location: Wattis Business Building, Room 226
Telephone Contact: Rebecca Coombs 801-626-6066
Professors: Therese Cavlovic Grijalva, Doris Geide-Stevenson, John Mbaku, Clifford Nowell; Associate Professors: Nazneen Ahmad, Brandon Koford; Assistant Professors: Jenny Gnagey, Matthew Gnagey, Andrew Keinsley, Álvaro La Parra-Pérez, Sandeep Rangaraju; Visiting Professors: David Christafore, Celilk Necati
The Department of Economics offers two different degree programs. The career field selected will determine the educational goals a student must set and will be an important element in deciding which of the many avenues towards a bachelor’s degree available in economics is best suited for you.
Economics provides general analysis of decision making where resource constraints are present. Within the area of business, the fields of economics and finance are perhaps the most rigorous in terms of the use and application of mathematical and statistical reasoning. Students with a bachelor’s degree in Business Economics are generally prepared to take entry level jobs in any area of business, but are particularly prepared for jobs that call for data analysis, pricing, purchasing, and report writing. Business economists are often employed in private business firms in the financial, retailing, and industrial sectors. A complete career guide is available from the department chairperson. A degree in Business Economics is also regarded by graduate business schools as excellent preparation for advanced work toward an MBA, as well as advanced degrees in other business related disciplines such as human resource management, public administration, finance, and international business. Students seeking an advanced degree in economics, law, other social and behavioral sciences, urban and regional planning, actuarial science, etc., should also investigate the General Economics Major.
Center for Economic Education
The Department has established a Center for Economic Education. Its basic function is to help educators in secondary and elementary schools improve their understanding and knowledge of economics. This will assist them in providing their students with the fundamental economic tools needed to evaluate complex national and international events that are a part of their daily existence.
Economics Course Descriptions
ProgramsBachelor of ScienceMinorTeaching MinorHonors, Departmental
Return to: John B. Goddard School of Business & Economics