2019-2020 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.
Learning English for Academic Purposes (LEAP)
Chair: Debi Sheridan
Location: Elizabeth Hall, Room 207
Telephone Contact: Kaori Gale (801) 626-7457
Instructors: Giana Curtis, Amy Reimann Hudson, Debi Sheridan
The Weber State University LEAP (Learning English for Academic Purposes) Department provides intensive English language courses for students in the process of acquiring English as a second language for academic use. It is the mission of the Department to prepare these students to function effectively in mainstream academic classes where English is the language of instruction. In doing so, we also seek to familiarize students with American culture and the academic atmosphere of studying in an American university.
The program curriculum includes courses that utilize an integrated skills, content-based approach. The goal of the department is to prepare non-native English speaking students to read, write and communicate effectively in academic courses.
The program consists of six levels of instruction (Novice Low through Advanced according to ACTFL guidelines available at https://www.actfl.org/publications/guidelines-and-manuals/actfl-
performance-descriptors-language-learners), two levels per semester and the LEAP Bridge Classes. Each level (with the exception of LEAP Bridge Classes) is 7 weeks in length. The Bridge LEAP Classes are 15 weeks in length. Courses are competency based. Students must pass a proficiency final exam at the end of the semester and receive a grade of C+ (77%) or better in order to progress to the next level.
Total Credit Hours per Level
Levels |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Bridge Classes
Credits |
9 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
6 |
Levels 1-3 are non-credit and do not count toward graduation. Courses in Levels 4-6 and the LEAP Bridge classes earn credit which can be applied to fulfill the foreign language requirement for a Bachelor of Arts degree and Associate of Arts degree or applied as elective credit toward the Bachelor of Science and Associate of Science degrees. This may be done by passing the LEAP Special Examination or by completing LEAP 2510 and LEAP 2520 with a grade of C+ or better.
Students who pass the LEAP Special Examination or who complete LEAP 2510 and LEAP 2520 with a grade of C+ or better will be able to receive 16 hours of credit for ESL 2310 , ESL 2410 , ESL 2420 , ESL 2430 , and ESL 2441 for a nominal fee. (Inquire in the LEAP Office EH 207.)
CR/NC sections of each course are available. CR/NC sections do not factor into a student’s GPA. Students participate in the same classes with the same teachers and are held to the same proficiency standards as graded courses. Contact the LEAP office for more information.
International Students:
International students who meet the University’s TOEFL or IELTS minimum requirements for placement in academic courses are cleared to register for ENGL 1010 .
International students who do not meet the University’s TOEFL or IELTS minimum requirements for placement in academic courses must take the LEAP Placement Test. Students are required to complete the appropriate ESL courses according to the test results before being cleared to take academic courses on campus.
Students sponsored by the Saudi Arabian Cultural Mission (SACM) are required by SACM to complete 20 credit hours per semester.
- The Placement Test should be taken as soon as the students arrive at the university to determine placement level for necessary ESL courses.
- All International students are also required to take the Math Accuplacer Test (see the Department of Mathematics section of this catalog).
- Students must complete Advanced (Level 6) before they can register for other university classes.
Resident Students:
Resident students for whom English is their second language and who have ACT scores 16 or below or Accuplacer scores 89 or below are required to take the ESL Placement Test and complete appropriate ESL courses according to the test results before registering for ENGL 1010 .
Learning English for Academic Purposes (LEAP) Course Descriptions