2020-2021 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.
Developmental Mathematics Program
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Director: Dr. Kathryn Van Wagoner
Advisor & Telephone Contact: Katrina Marriott, 801-626-7451
Admin Asst. & Telephone Contact: Shawnette Horton, 801-626-7585
Email Contact: devmath@weber.edu
Location: Tracy hall Science Center 207
Instructors: Brenda Acor, Loyal Baker, Christopher Dunn, Amber Hansen, David Imig, Christine Jennings-Lewis, Charity Jones, Debi McKee, Janette Penrod, Darrell Poore, Carrie Quesnell, Michelle Rich, and Kassidy Symonds
The Developmental Mathematics Program prepares students to take the Quantitative Literacy courses offered by the Mathematics Department. See the Core Requirements listed under the General Education Requirements of this catalog.
For more information about our courses or assistance selecting the best course for your needs: www.weber.edu/mathoptions
Placement in Mathematics Courses
To prevent delay of graduation, all students requiring developmental courses should begin those courses immediately and stay registered in mathematics until completing a Quantitative Literacy course. Developmental Math courses provide foundational skills necessary for most college level courses. See Math Placement for details on our placement options and Choose Your Math Path for course options.
Course Delivery Options
Individual students have individual learning needs. The Developmental Math Program offers three types of courses to meet student learning needs.
Inquiry & Exploration Learning (IEL) - Students explore and solve real-world problems collaboratively in class with instructor guidance. Homework is completed online. In-class workbook and tests are on paper. Classes taught in this format: MATH 0950 , MATH 0970 , and MATH 1010 .
Mastery-Based Learning (MBL) - Students take notes from videos or the textbook before class and collaboratively work on homework in class with instructor guidance. The videos, textbook, homework, quizzes, and tests are all online. Classes taught in this format: MATH 0950 , MATH 0990 , and MATH 1010 .
Online Learning (ONL) - Online classes are mastery-based learning and completed entirely online with no face-to-face class meetings. All materials are online. Computerized quizzes and tests must be proctored in an approved lo-cation. Classes taught in this format: MATH 0950 , 0990 , and 1010 .
Get more information at www.weber.edu/mathoptions or email devmath@weber.edu
Developmental Mathematics Course Descriptions
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