Jul 26, 2024  
2015-2016 Catalog 
2015-2016 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.

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Honors Program


Director: Judy Elsley (801) 626-6186  jelsley@weber.edu
Student Advisor: Marilyn Diamond (801) 626-7336  mdiamond@weber.edu
Office Manager: Aubrey Lord (801) 626-7591  aubreylord@weber.edu
Director of Departmental Honors: Christy Call (801) 626-7824 ccall@weber.edu
Location: Stewart Library, Room 225
Internet Address: weber.edu/honors

Mission Statement

The Weber State University Honors Program aims to provide students with an enriched program of study through:

  • Small, challenging, and creative classes, most of which fulfill General Education requirements;
  • A stimulating and supportive learning environment, both in classes and in the Honors Center;
  • Opportunities to examine one’s own perspective in the light of differing values or points of view;
  • An integrative approach to education, connecting disciplines and ideas;
  • The availability of Departmental Honors with most departments on campus.

Students who earn Honors are well-prepared for professional life and/or graduate school.

Entrance Requirements

A student may apply for entrance into the Honors Program at any time after formal acceptance by the Weber State Admissions Office. However, in order to take advantage of the many options available, early entrance is recommended. Entrance requirements and application forms are available in the Honors Center or at weber.edu/honors.

Honors Designations

  • General Honors is available to students completing the requirements for an associate’s degree and successfully completing 12 credit hours of Honors courses.
  • Departmental Honors is available to students majoring in departments with designated Departmental Honors contracts. Please see weber.edu/honors/contracts.html for a list of current Departmental Honors contracts and Departmental Honors Advisors.
  • University Honors is available to
  • students earning a bachelor’s degree
  • who have completed 24 hours of Honors credits and have fulfilled the Honors Program core requirements (see University Honors Core Requirements below)

Students may elect to graduate with only one of the three Honors designations, or they may choose to graduate with all or a combination of Honors designations.

Official recognition for the completion of an Honors designation will be made on the graduating Honors student’s transcript and diploma and will also be entered into the university’s graduation program. In the event a student completes Departmental Honors in more than one department, notation of each will be made on the transcript and diploma.

BIS Honors Emphasis is also available to students who elect to graduate with a BIS degree. A student may design an individualized Honors curriculum to be used as one of the three areas of emphasis for the Bachelor of Integrated Studies degree. For information consult the BIS office.



Honors Course Descriptions