Nov 30, 2024
2020-2021 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.
Psychology Major (BS)
- Program Prerequisite: None.
- Minor: Required, unless a student is a double major.
- Grade Requirements: A grade of “C” or better is required in all courses used to fulfill requirements for the psychology major or minor (a grade of “C-” is not acceptable). In addition an overall GPA for Psychology courses of 2.50 or higher is required. Also refer to the general grade requirements for graduation Degree Requirements.
- Credit Hour Requirements: The University requires a total of 120 credit hours for graduation. For psychology, a minimum of 45 credit hours are required within the major. The University requires a total of 40 upper division credit hours (courses numbered 3000 and above).
- Program Code: Psychology (7015BS)
- CIPC: Psychology (420101)
After declaring psychology as a major, each student is assigned an advisor. Psychology majors should consult with their advisor each semester prior to registration or as needed. Call the department secretary to schedule an appointment. Psychology teaching majors are encouraged to also consult with an advisor in the Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education (call 801-626-6269, Teacher Education Department). (Also refer to the Department Advisor Referral List.)
Use Grad MAPs to plan your degree
Admission Requirements
Declare your program of study (see Enrollment Services and Information). There are no special admission or application requirements for the psychology major. Teaching majors must meet the Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements (see Department of Teacher Education).
General Education
Refer to Degree Requirements for Bachelor of Science requirements. A number of courses in the major fulfill general education requirements (PSY 1010 , PSY 2000 ) or graduation requirements (PSY 2370 , PSY 3100 ).
Psychological Science General Core
General Core
PSY 1010 is required for all courses in the psychology curriculum EXCEPT the following: PSY 1540 , PSY 2000 , PSY 2020 , PSY 2370 , PSY 2730 , PSY 2400 , PSY 3100 , PSY 3600 , PSY 3605 , PSY 3615 , PSY 3616 , and PSY 4900 .
Statistics and Research Methods
There are two options to complete the required Statistics and Research Methods course sequence in Psychology. A student must complete one option or the other and cannot complete the sequence by a combination of courses in each option.
Option A
This option is strongly encouraged for all Psychology Majors including teaching majors and those with a BIS emphasis. PSY 3615 / 3616 is a yearlong course sequence offered each academic year, with 3615 offered in the Fall of a given academic year and 3616 offered in the Spring. The sequence must be completed in the same academic year and with the same faculty member to complete the departmental Statistics and Research Methods requirement. It is recommended that the course sequence be taken in the junior year and has the prerequisite of PSY 1010 and MATH 1010 or QL with passing grades of C or better.
Option B
PSY 3600 is recommended to be taken no later than first semester junior year and has a prerequisite of MATH 1010, or QL with passing grade of C or better. PSY majors may substitute CJ 3600 , SW 3600 , or SOC 3600 for PSY 3600 , but an additional 3 credits will be added to the graduation requirement (this addition is waived for dual majors).
PSY 3605 is recommended to be taken no later than first semester junior year and has PSY 3600 or its equivalent as a prerequisite/co-requisite.
PSY 3610 is recommended to be taken no later than second semester junior year. PSY 1010 and PSY 3600 (or equivalent with prior approval from the department chair) are required prerequisites. Prerequisite/Co-requisite: PSY 3605 (or equivalent with prior approval from the Department Chair).
Psychological Sciences Core Content Courses
One of the following courses in each area must be taken to fulfill the core course requirements. However, students may opt to take the other course(s) in each section as electives.
Area A: Biological Basis of Behavior
Select one course from the following:
Area B: Development Basis of Behavior
Select one course from the following:
Area C: Abnormal Psychology
Area D: Cognitive Basis of Behavior
Select one course from the following:
Area E: Individual Differences and Social Processes
Select one course from the following:
Area F: Diversity
Select one course from the following:
Capstone Requirement
4 credit hours of capstone is required for Psychology Majors and Teaching Majors. Students must complete PSY 4950 and one other capstone class listed below to fulfill the capstone requirement.
Students must complete 24 credits in the psychology major and PSY 3610 and PSY 3616 prior to enrolling in capstone courses. Additionally, students must have permission of instructor and/or capstone contract to enroll in the following courses.
Students may opt to take the other courses in this group as an elective.
Note: PSY 4950 requires one of the other capstone courses as a pre-requisite or co-requsite. PSY 4000 is required of teaching majors as a capstone or elective course. PSY 4310 requires PSY 3010 as a pre-requisite. PSY 4905 pre-requisite course(s) will depend on the class topic. PSY 4910 is taken for one semester to complete and defend a research proposal. This course is taken for a second semester to complete and defend the research project.
Select One Additional Course to Fulfill Capstone
12 credit hours of electives required for Psychology Majors and Psychology Teaching Majors. Choose courses from Groups A or B below, the General Core, Core Content, or Capstone courses.
Psychological Science Required Elective Courses
Note: PSY 2800 must be taken prior to completing PSY 3610 /PSY 3616 , otherwise the student may enroll in PSY 4800 . PSY 2830 must be taken prior to completing PSY 3610 /PSY 3616 , otherwise the student may enroll in PSY 4830 . PSY 2830 /PSY 4890 require the student to have acurrent job in the field. PSY 2830 may be taken by non-psychology majors or minors; PSY 4890 requires PSY major or minor status. PSY 4830 requires 18 credit hour of psychology courses, approved by the supervising instructor, one of which must be PSY 1010 . Permission of the instructor is also required. PSY 4920 may be used for credit toward a major or minor or BIS in psychology but only when written persmission of the department is given at the time of registration.
Electives Group A: Area Specialization Courses
Electives Group B: Individualized Instruction and Experiential Courses