Mar 10, 2025
2012-2013 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.
French Teaching (BA)
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- Program Prerequisite: Completion of first and second-year courses in French or equivalent preparation. In addition, teaching majors must meet the Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements (see Teacher Education Department ).
- Minor: Required.
- Grade Requirements: A grade of “C” or better in courses used for this major (a grade of “C-” is not acceptable).
- Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 hours is required for graduation; 40 hours of these must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 and above). For the major, a minimum of 36.5 upper division hours is required beyond the prerequisite lower division courses (prerequisite courses, if needed, total 12 credit hours). At least 6 credit hours of major courses must be completed at WSU.
French Teaching majors are encouraged to meet with a faculty advisor at least annually for course and program advisement. Call 801-626-6183 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Teaching majors are also encouraged to consult with advisors in the Jerry and Vickie Moyes College of Education (call 801-626-6269).
Admission Requirements
Declare your program of study (see Enrollment Services and Information ). Teaching majors must meet the Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements (see Teacher Education Department ).
General Education
Refer to Degree and General Education Requirements for Bachelor of Arts requirements. FL 2020 will fulfill the 3 credit hours for the Humanities General Education requirement. A student who completes an upper-division French course with a “C” or better will also meet this requirement. Credit for Humanities General Education (HU2020) cannot be obtained through examination. The prerequisite courses listed under the major requirements will also fulfill the BA Language requirement.
During their senior year, all French Teaching majors will complete FL 4990 in order to help the department assess how well it has met its goals. Students are encouraged to keep copies of their best work from each course taken in the major. These samples will be used in FL 4990 .
FL Courses
The following course descriptions are generic and apply to all languages. The acronym FL denotes foreign language courses. In the class schedule each semester courses will be language specific: FRCH for French, GRMN for German, JPNS for Japanese, and SPAN for Spanish, etc. Major Course Requirements for BA Degree
Prerequisite Courses
Complete the following 12 credit hours (or demonstrate equivalent proficiency) Required Courses (15.5 credit hours)
Elective Courses
Select a minimum of 21 credit hours from the following (choice must include at least one literature course from this list) Note:
*Students must take ACTFL Oral and Written Proficiency Examinations prior to taking FL 4400 and student teaching. The department standard for Proficiency is the Advanced-Low level. Students must also complete the Praxis II Content Knowledge Exam in their language prior to taking FL 4400 . (Please see the foreign language advisor.) |
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