2012-2013 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.
General Education Requirements
General education at Weber State University provides students with a foundation in the arts and sciences that transcends and complements their academic emphases. This exposure to diverse fields of study enables students to make intellectually honest and ethical decisions that reflect a knowledge of and respect for diverse people, ideas, and cultures. Such breadth of education also cultivates skills critical to student success in academic, personal, professional and community endeavors both within and beyond the university.
Students completing the general education program can
- Communicate, understand and interpret ideas and information using written, oral and visual media.
- Think critically and creatively to construct well-reasoned arguments supported by documented research.
- Use quantitative, mathematical relationships, operations and reasoning.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the history, foundational principles, economics, and politics of the United States.
- Demonstrate proficiency in computer and information literacy.
- Demonstrate an understanding of how the biological and physical sciences describe and explain the natural world.
- Demonstrate an understanding of humans, their behavior, and their interaction with and within their physical, social, local and global environments.
- Demonstrate an understanding of diverse forms of aesthetic and intellectual expression.
Before selecting general education courses, students should consult with an advisor and review their CatTracks degree evaluation accessed through the eWeber student portal.
See weber.edu/generalstudiessheet to view a listing of general education courses that includes course offerings by semester.
Core Requirements
The core requirements listed below apply to all Bachelor’s degrees and AA/AS degrees. It is recommended that students complete these requirements within the first 60 credit hours. General education requirements for AAS degrees vary and are specified by each program. 1. Composition (3 credit hours)
ENGL 2010 EN - Intermediate College Writing (with a grade of C or above). Entrance into ENGL 2010 requires one of the following: - Passing ENGL 1010 with a grade of C or better.
- Passing the AP Language and Composition or Literature and Composition examination with a score of 3 or better.
- Achieving an ACT English and Reading score of 29 or better.
- A CLEP with essay test with a score of 50 or better.
- An articulated transfer credit from another regionally accredited college or university.
* Weber State University students who anticipate transferring to another institution within the Utah State higher education system should fulfill quantitative literacy (QL) with one of the approved Math QL courses rather than PHIL 2200 , “Deductive Logic.” PHIL 2200 will not be accepted in transfer as a QL course by another Utah public institution of higher education. 4. Computer & Information Literacy (2 to 5 credit hours)
Successful completion of approved four-part (A, B, C, D ) requirement. Can be met by taking proficiency exams with a C- grade or better, courses with a C- grade or better, or a combination of the two. Completion of one three-credit NTM 1700 TE - Introduction to Microcomputer Applications course and/or one one-credit IST 2010 TE - Business Computer Skills will meet Parts A, B, and C of the requirement. Exams are credit/no credit, courses vary. Students should check with the advisor for their Major to determine the best way to meet the computer literacy requirement. More information is also available at: http://programs.weber.edu/cil/. Note:
CIL Transfer Credit Computer and Information Literacy (CIL) transfer credit that does not automatically transfer from another college or university will be evaluated on an individual basis. Transfer credit must meet the current WSU CIL requirements, have been taken within the last seven years, and passed with a grade of C- or above. The Network Technology and Business Multimedia Department offers testing options for those who have transfer credit over the seven-year limit. Exams are credit/no credit, courses vary. Students should check with the advisor for their Major to determine the best way to meet the computer literacy requirement. More information is also available at: http://programs.weber.edu/cil/. Breadth Requirements
Courses selected to fulfill the following general education requirements must each be from a different program (i.e., have a different course abbreviation, with the exception of HNRS – Honors courses). Humanities/Creative Arts
Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies Select nine (9) credit hours – at least three (3) credit hours from Humanities and at least three (3) credit hours from Creative Arts. Each course must be from a different program (i.e., have a different course abbreviation), with the exception of HNRS – Honors courses. Associate of Applied Science Select three (3) credit hours from Humanities or Creative Arts. Note:
Only one course from either ART or ARTH may be used to fulfill the Creative Arts general education requirement. Social Sciences
Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies Select six (6) credit hours in addition to the American Institutions requirement. Each course must be from a different program (i.e., have a different course abbreviation), with the exception of HNRS – Honors courses. Associate of Applied Science Select three (3) credit hours. Information Systems & Technologies
Physical & Life Sciences
Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies Select nine (9) credit hours – at least three (3) credit hours from Physical Sciences and at least three (3) credit hours from Life Sciences. Each course must be from a different program (i.e., have a different course abbreviation), with the exception of HNRS – Honors courses. Associate of Applied Science Select three (3) credit hours from Physical or Life Sciences. Groups - Physical Sciences
* PS1360 is cross listed in Chemistry and Physics. Note:
Only one course from either the Geography (GEOG) or the Geosciences (GEO) areas in the above list may be used to fulfill the Physical Sciences general education requirement. Note:
* PS1360 is cross listed in Chemistry and Physics. Note:
* LS1370 is cross listed in Botany, Microbiology and Zoology. Elementary Education majors should refer to the Teacher Education Department section of this catalog for specific science requirements. AP, CLEP and Transfer Credit
General education requirements may also be satisfied by: AP Credit Students who have completed advanced placement courses in high school and passed the Education Testing Service examination with acceptable scores (3, 4, or 5) may be granted WSU credit hours for each, and will be given general education credit in the appropriate category. (Refer to the Credit by Examination or Petition section and/or contact the Admissions Office for more information.) International Baccalaureate Credit (IB) Students who have completed International Baccalaureate courses in high school and passed the corresponding Higher-Level or Diploma examinations may be granted WSU credit hours for each, and will be given general education credit in the appropriate category. (Refer to the Credit by Examination or Petition section and/or contact the Admissions Office for more information.) CLEP Credit All students are eligible to take the CLEP (College Level Examination Program) battery which, if passed satisfactorily, may satisfy most of the general area requirements. (Refer to the Credit by Examination or Petition section and/or contact the Admissions Office for more information.) Transfer Credit Weber State University accepts transfer credit from regionally accredited colleges and universities. Associate of Arts (AA) and Associate of Science (AS) degrees earned at any higher education institution accredited by one of the following six regional accrediting associations (recognized by the U.S. Department of Education) will satisfy all general education core and breadth requirements provided the granting institution was regionally accredited at the time the degree was awarded. - North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement
- New England Association of Schools and Colleges
- Middle States Association of Schools and Colleges
- Southern Association of Schools and Colleges
- Western Association of Schools and Colleges
- Northwest Association of Schools and Colleges
For students who are transferring from a non-regionally accredited institution, please refer to Credit by Examination or Petition . Contact the Transfer Admissions Advisement Office for more information (see Transfer Advisement ). |