Mar 14, 2025
2015-2016 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.
Art (BFA)
Areas of Emphasis
- 2D Media (drawing, painting, printmaking) Program Code: 3005BFA CIPC: 500706
- 3D Media (ceramics, sculpture) Program Code: 3006BFA CIPC: 500706
- Photography Program Code: 3002BFA CIPC: 500605
- Graphic Design (graphic design in print/interactive media) Program Code: 3071BFA CIPC: 500409
- Art Education Program Code: 3062BFA CIPC: 131302
- Program Prerequisite: Completion of Foundation courses followed by portfolio review (refer to the BFA Admission Requirements below).
- Minor: Not required.
- Grade Requirements: A grade of “C” or better in courses required for all majors and minors (a grade of “C-” is not acceptable). Also refer to the general grade requirements for graduation .
- Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 120 credit hours is required for graduation. Of this total, 75 credit hours are required for the BFA degree. A total of 40 upper division credit hours is required by the university for graduation (courses numbered 3000 and above).
All Art majors and minors should interview with the department chair/advisor early in their course of study. Call the Department of Visual Arts at 801-626-6455 for more information or to schedule an appointment. (Also refer to the Department Advisor Referral List.)
Use Grad MAPs to plan your degree
BFA Admission Requirements
All Art majors must first declare a Major (program of study - see Enrollment Services and Information ) with the department secretary. Once the Foundation courses have been completed, students can apply for admission to the BFA degree program. BFA reviews are held twice each year by the visual arts faculty. Information regarding upcoming reviews is available in the visual arts office (KVAC 103). If not admitted to BFA level study, students may reapply in subsequent semesters. After admittance, students plan their studio elective classes in consultation with the department chair and a faculty advisor from the chosen emphasis area.
Students who select the Art Education emphasis must satisfy the Teacher Education admission and licensure requirements (see Teacher Education department ).
General Education
Refer to Degree and General Education Requirements for Bachelor of Fine Arts requirements. The following Foundation/elective courses will also fulfill general education requirements in the creative arts category: ARTH 1090 and ARTH 1100 .
Course Requirements for the BFA
Foundation Courses (27 credit hours)
see Department of Visual Art and Design . Note: For the Art History foundation course, Art Education Composite majors must select either ARTH 3040 or ARTH 3050 (prerequisite ARTH 1100 CA ). Note: For the Graphic Design emphasis, ARTH 3451 is required. It may help to satisfy either the Art History Electives category or the Studio Focus category within the emphasis area. Required Studio Distribution (9 credit hours)
Select one of the following:
Select one of the following:
Select one of the following:
Other Required Courses (3-12 credit hours depending upon emphasis)
Required for all emphases except Graphic Design
Required for Graphic Design emphasis
Additional Requirements for Art Education emphasis
Art History Electives (4 credit hours)
Select one of the following Photography Emphasis ONLY:
Studio Focus Courses: (Choose 26 credit hours in consultation with your faculty adviser. Other courses may be considered.) Required (12 credit hours)
Electives (minimum of 14 credit hours)
* May be repeated twice for a total of 9 credit hours.
2D Emphasis ONLY:
Studio Focus Courses: (Choose 26 credit hours in consultation with your faculty adviser.) Recommended courses (21 credits)
Visual arts courses that are not being used to fulfill the major requirements (studio distribution, art-history) may fulfill electives credits.
* May be repeated twice for a total of 9 credit hours.
3D Emphasis ONLY:
Studio Focus Courses: (Choose 26 credit hours in consultation with your faculty adviser.) Visual arts courses that are not being used to fulfill the major requirements (studio distribution, art-history) may fulfill electives credits.
* May be repeated twice for a total of 9 credit hours.
Art Education Emphasis ONLY:
Studio Focus Courses: (Choose 20 credit hours in consultation with your faculty adviser. Courses will depend on area of emphasis.) Note: Prerequisites for Art Methods I (ART 3515 ) include ARTH 1100 CA and either ARTH 3040 or ARTH 3050 . Graphic Design Emphasis ONLY:
Studio Focus Courses: (Choose 32 credit hours in consultation with your faculty adviser.) Required (22 credit hours)
Electives (Complete the 32-hour requirement by choosing from below)
* May be repeated for a total of 9 credit hours.