Feb 09, 2025  
2019-2020 Catalog 
2019-2020 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.

Go to HTHS website

Department of Health Sciences

Interim Department Chair: Travis Price
Location: Marriott Allied Health Building, Rm 109
Telephone Contact: Elizabeth Crawford-Bizzell 801-626-6505
Professors: Jim Hutchins; Associate Professors: Kathryn Newton, Travis Price; Assistant Professors: Marvin Orrock, Brad Winterton

The Associate of Science in Health Sciences (ASHS) prepares students for entrance into a wide variety of health professions programs currently housed in the Dumke College of Health Professions (DCHP) such as: Dental Hygiene, Emergency Care and Rescue, Nursing, Radiologic Sciences, Respiratory Therapy, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Health Information Management and Health Administrative Services. It also serves as a preparatory associate degree for other Weber State University Bachelor of Science majors including: Anthropology, Gerontology, Athletic Training, Athletic Therapy, Health Promotion, Human Performance Management, Recreation, Sales and Service Technology, and the Bachelor of Integrated Studies (BIS).

Students can choose to complete an ASHS degree or a specific ASHS degree track to customize their academic program: Associate of Science in Health Sciences - Dental Hygiene Track, Associate of Science in Health Sciences - Nursing Track, Associate of Science in Health Sciences - Radiologic Sciences Track, Associate of Science in Health Sciences - Medical Laboratory Sciences Track, and the Associate of Science in Health Sciences - Respiratory Therapy Track.  The ASHS degree tracks are designed to expose students to a health professions program as well as provide specific training for potential career opportunities.

Interdisciplinary Minors

The Health Sciences Department participates in the interdisciplinary Neuroscience Minor Program. Students who wish to enroll in this program should indicate their desire to do so with the program coordinator who will help them work out a proper combination of courses to fit their particular needs. (See the Engaged Learning, Honors, and Interdisciplinary Programs  section of this catalog.)


Health Sciences Course Descriptions  


    Associate of ScienceEmphasis Option for Bachelor of Integrated Studies

       BIS emphases are also offered for most programs with a minor.