Mar 02, 2025
2018-2019 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.
Health Sciences (AS)
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- Grade Requirements: An overall GPA of 2.5 or higher is required. A course grade of “C” or higher is required for all Health Sciences and the health professions (DENT, NRSG, MLS, RADT, and REST) support courses.
- Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 60 credit hours is required for graduation.
- Program Code: Health Science (2029AS), Health Science Dental Hygiene Track (2029ASDENT), Health Science MLS Track (2029ASMLS), Health Science Nursing Track (2029ASNRSG), Health Science Respiratory Therapy Track (2029ASREST), Health Science Radiologic Science Track (2029ASRADT)
- CIPC: 510000
Students may contact an advisor in the Dr. Ezekiel R. Dumke College of Health Professions Admissions Advisement Office (Marriott Allied Health Building, Room 108, Phone 801-626-6136, Email healthprofessions@weber.edu) for program information.
Use the Grad MAPs to plan your degree
General Education
Refer to Degree Requirements for Associate of Science requirements. The following courses suggested for the AS Degree in Health Sciences will also fulfill general education requirements: CHEM 1110 , CHEM 1050 , COMM 1020 or COMM 2110 , HTHS 1110 , MICR 1113 , NUTR 1020 , PSY 1010 , SOC 1010 /SOC 1020 .
Consult with Academic Advising or the Dr. Ezekiel R. Dumke College of Health Professions Admissions Advisement office regarding general education guidelines.
Health Sciences Core Courses Required (10 credit hours)
Associate of Science in Health Sciences-Dental Hygiene Track (10 credits)
WSU General Education Requirements , Health Sciences Core Requirements, and the following support courses: Associate of Science in Health Sciences-Medical Laboratory Sciences (MLS) Track (11 credits)
WSU General Education Requirements , Health Sciences Core Requirements, and the following support courses: Associate of Science in Health Sciences-Nursing Track (10 credits)
WSU General Education Requirements , Health Sciences Core Requirements, and the following support courses: Associate of Science in Health Sciences-Respiratory Therapy Track (12 credits)
WSU General Education Requirements , Health Sciences Core Requirements, and the following support courses: Associate of Science in Health Sciences-Radiologic Sciences Track (10 credits)
WSU General Education Requirements , Health Sciences Core Requirements, and the following support courses: Recommended Elective Courses to fulfill AS degree credit-hour requirement (60 credits), if necessary:
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