Feb 09, 2025
2013-2014 Catalog ARCHIVED CATALOG: Content may no longer be accurate.
Automotive Service Technology (AAS)
- Program Prerequisite: An interview with the program coordinator or advisor in the desired track is necessary prior to acceptance into the program.
- Grade Requirements: Minimum grade of “C ” in courses required for this major in addition to an overall GPA of 2.00 or higher.
- Credit Hour Requirements: A total of 63-66 credit hours is required except for the Heavy Duty Truck track which requires a total of 68 credit hours.
- Assessment Requirements: Students will be required to complete certain assessment instruments as part of the overall requirements for receiving their associate’s degree. Please see the program coordinator or your advisor or your department for specific information regarding assessment.
- Program Code: Chrysler Cap ( 8044AAS), General Motors ASEP (8001AAS), Collision Repair (8045AAS), Toyota T-Ten (8003AAS), Independent Shop ATEP (8043AAS), Heavy Duty Truck (8008AAS)
- CIPC: Chrysler Cap (470604), General Motors ASEP (470604), Collision Repair (470604), Toyota T-Ten (470604), Independent Shop ATEP (470604), Heavy Duty Truck (470605)
Automotive Service students should meet each semester with the program coordinator or faculty advisor for their specific track for advisement. Call 801-626-6579 for more information or to schedule an appointment. (Also refer to the Department Advisor Referral List.)
Admission Requirements
Declare your program of study (see Enrollment Services and Information ) and meet with your specific program coordinator or faculty advisor.
National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Certification Requirement
Automotive Service students are required to take all eight automotive ASE exams. See www.asecert.org for testing information. ASE exam fees are included in the student fees for each course. Exams will be taken twice per year at the end of each semester. Only Collision Repair and Heavy Duty Truck Technology students will be exempt from this requirement.
General Education
Refer to Degree and General Education Requirements for Associate of Applied Science requirements. The following support courses required for this degree will also be applied toward general education requirements: CHEM 1010 (3) or CHEM 1110 (5), COMM 2110 (3), NTM 1700 , NTM 1504 or LIBS 1704 , and a Social Science general education course (3).
Major Course Requirements for AAS Degree
Automotive Service Courses Required for All Tracks except Collision Repair (6 credit hours)
Support Courses Required for All Tracks (19 credit hours)
Elective Course (3 credit hours)
Choose one of the following Note:
* Students wishing to complete a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Automotive Technology after completing their Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree should take the courses marked with an asterisk. Track Requirements
Select one of the following tracks (see the track coordinator for a suggested course sequence): Automotive Service Courses Required (36 credit hours)
General Motors ASEP Track
Automotive Service Courses Required (36 credit hours)
Automotive Service Courses Required (42 credit hours)
Automotive Service Courses Required (39 credit hours)
Independent Shop ATEP Track
Automotive Service Courses Required (36 credit hours)
Automotive Service Courses Required (38 credit hours)