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2021-2022 Catalog 
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General Education Requirements

Weber State University General Education Requirements

General Education Requirements PDF

What is General Education (Gen Ed)?

Gen Ed is shared by all degree-seeking students. Gen Ed credits (~34-41) account for about 2/3 of the Associate’s and 1/3 of the Bachelor’s degrees. Gen Ed provides broad exposure to diverse disciplines and is the foundation for developing intellectual tools and responsibility to the self and others.

What is the mission of General Education?

To provide students with the foundational knowledge and intellectual tools that enhance and transcend their academic program of study. The big questions posed by Gen Ed courses address significant issues about the world. Gen Ed courses help students apply their learning and develop personal and social responsibility, which is demonstrated through signature assignments.

Why is General Education required of all students?

Gen Ed is not a random series of courses to “get out of the way” - it is a program of courses to lead the way to students’ future success in higher education, the workplace, and the community. Because Gen Ed courses are framed around a Big Question, which is tapped by a Signature Assignment, students repeatedly exercise Gen Ed Learning Outcomes (GELOs) and “cross-train” their mind.

What are the General Education Program Requirements?

Students are required to take CORE courses in Composition, Quantitative Literacy, American Institutions, Information Literacy and Diversity (~10-17 credits) and BREADTH courses in Creative Arts and Humanities (9 credits), Physical and Life Sciences (9 credits), and Social Sciences (6 credits).

What are WSU courses?

The WSU Program provides students access to team taught, high-impact, interdisciplinary, variable credit (3-5), and limited enrollment WSU courses that satisfy requirements in two areas (core or breadth) of Gen Ed (with a passing grade). Students get the benefit of the expertise of two WSU faculty members in courses that engage their mind and challenge their thinking. (See

What is the Gen Ed Certificate of Completion?

The Certificate of Completion is awarded when students complete all core and breadth requirements with a minimum 2.0 GPA. Once awarded, it will appear on students’ transcripts and is considered part of their official record. The Certificate allows students to “lock in” their Gen Ed credits and is transferable between institutions in the Utah System of Higher Education.

What is the Interstate Passport?

WSU participates in the Interstate Passport Initiative wherein a block of Gen Ed courses is accepted between institutions and noted on students’ transcripts for articulation purposes. WSU issues the Passport upon completion of the Gen Ed Certificate of Completion with a C or better in all Gen Ed courses. WSU Gen Ed requirements are met (except for American Institutions, a Gen Ed requirement mandated by the Utah State Legislature) for incoming students who have earned a Passport elsewhere. (See

Who can help me plan my General Education courses?

Before selecting General Education courses, students should consult with an Academic Advisor ( and review their Cattracks degree evaluation (eWeber student portal).

Core General Education Requirements

The core requirements listed below apply to all Bachelor’s degrees and AA/AS degrees. It is recommended that students complete these requirements within the first 60 credit hours. General education requirements for AAS degrees vary and are specified by each program.

General Education Certificate of Completion

The Certificate of Completion in General Education is official proof that a student has completed the general education requirements of an Associate or Bachelor degree. Once awarded, it will appear on students’ transcripts and is considered part of their permanent record. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 to be awarded the General Education Certificate of Completion.

Composition (EN) 3-4 credit hours

Complete  ENGL 2010 EN2 - Intermediate College Writing (3)  OR  ENGL 2015 EN2 - Intermediate College Writing & Research (4)  and earn a “C” grade or better.

Go to the Prior Learning Assessment website for placement score criteria.

Quantitative Literacy (QL) 3-6 credit hours

QL may be met with one of the following options:

If you earned a “C” grade or better in PHIL 2200  between Spring 2007 and Spring 2013 and you are declared in a catalog year between Spring 2007 and Spring 2013, your QL requirement is also met.  Some departments may not accept PHIL 2200  toward program requirements.

American Institutions (AI) 3-6 credit hours

Select one of the following options and earn a “C” or better:

Information Literacy (IL) 1.0 credit

Successful completion can be met by receiving a credit grade on a proficiency exam or taking one of the courses with a “C” grade or better.  Exams are credit/no credit, courses vary.  Students should check with their Major Adviser to determine the best way to meet the information literacy requirement. More information is also available at: or by contacting the IL Administrator at 801-626-7034 or

Note: Information Literacy (IL) transfer credit that does not automatically transfer from another college or university will be evaluated on an individual basis. Transfer credit must meet the current WSU IL requirements, have been taken within the last seven years, and passed with a grade of “C” or above.

Diversity (DV)

Complete one of the following general education courses and earn a passing grade.  Note: the following courses will meet both a breadth and diversity requirement (see courses marked with a “♦” in the Breadth requirements).

Breadth General Education Requirements

DO NOT DUPLICATE DEPARTMENTS: Courses selected to fulfill breadth requirements must each be from a different program, with the exception of Honors.

Humanities (HU) & Creative Arts (CA)

Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies: Select nine (9) credit hours - at least three (3) credit hours from Humanities and at least three (3) credit hours from Creative Arts and earn a passing grade.

Associate of Applied Science: Select three (3) credit hours from Humanities or Creative Arts and earn a passing grade





Foreign Language




Creative Arts (CA)


 Only one course from either ART or ARTH may be used to fulfill Creative Arts.

Computer Science




Construction and Building Sciences



Social Sciences

Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies: Select six (6) credit hours in addition to the American Institutions requirement and earn a passing grade.

Associate of Applied Science: Select three (3) credit hours and earn a passing grade.


Child and Family Studies

Criminal Justice


Engineering Technology and Culture

Geography, Environment and Sustainability


Health Education



Management Information Systems

Physical Education Professional

Political Science

Psychological Science

Social Work


Wildcat Scholars

Women & Gender Studies

Physical Sciences (PS) & Life Sciences (LS)

Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Integrated Studies: Select nine (9) credit hours - at least three (3) credit hours from Physical Sciences and at least three (3) credit hours from Life Sciences and earn a passing grade.

Associate of Applied Science: Select three (3) credit hours from Physical or Life Sciences and earn a passing grade

Physical Sciences (PS)


Geography, Enivronment and Sustainability***

Earth and Environmental Sciences***


Physics & Astronomy

Life Sciences (LS)



Health Sciences




WSU Courses

WSU courses are team taught, high-impact, interdisciplinary, variable credit (3-5), and limited enrollment courses that satisfy requirements in two General Education areas (Core or Breadth). Student must earn a passing grade.

*Students may take as many WSU courses as they wish, but only the non-overlapping GE attributes from subsequent WSU courses will count toward GE requirements.